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Archive: 2010

Combat, hardship pays remain for troops serving in Iraq
September 1, 2010
Department of Defense Seal

Moldova day six: Next step on way to peacekeeping certification
September 1, 2010
A Moldovan Soldier from Company A, 22nd Peacekeeping Battalion, takes a mock bandit into custody as part of an exercise designed to evaluate the unit's skills in international peacekeeping at Moldova's Bulboaca training facility, Aug. 19, 2010. For the past two weeks, North Carolina Army National Guard Soldiers have helped the Moldovans sharpen their peacekeeping skills in advance of a 2012 NATO evaluation.

U.S. forces transition to Operation New Dawn
September 1, 2010
A convoy from Alpha Company, 145th Brigade Support Battalion roll back from an IED training lane at Gowen Field Training Area, Idaho, Monday, Aug. 30. The convoy is practicing how to spot IED's and what measures to take when they spot one.

Maryland Airmen contribute to Iraq's recovery
August 31, 2010
Lt. Col. David Burgess and Maj. Kipp Thompson, both members of the Maryland Air National Guard's 235th Civil Engineer Flight, inspect non-functional lighted signs and eroding soils adjacent to a taxiway at Basrah International Airport, Iraq during their recent deployment.

Army Guard continues stability ops in Iraq
August 31, 2010
Army Spc. Grant Flegel moves the crane on the Heavy Expanded Mobile Tactical Truck (HEMTT) wrecker into place during training for the upcoming deployment with Delta Company, 3rd Battalion, 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team at the Gowen Field Training Area near Boise, Idaho, Aug. 28, 2010. This training helps cross-train the drivers of the HEMTT and the mechanics that service it, so the drivers will be better equipped to handle break-downs and towing procedures of this vehicle and others in a convoy.

Florida Guardsmen open Ali Al Salim MWR
August 30, 2010
A Soldier with Detachment 1, 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the Florida National Guard, helps build the new Recreation Center for permanent party members who work at LSA.

JET Airmen MOVE to 386th AEW as part of drawdown in Iraq
August 30, 2010
A Joint Expeditionary Tasking Airman assigned to the 732nd Air Expeditionary Group serves as an advisor to Iraqi military members. JET Airmen typically work for other U.S. military services and often perform functions not usually associated with the Air Force. The 732nd AEG recently moved its headquarters staff out of Iraq to join the 386th Air Expeditionary wing here, but its JET Airmen will remain in Iraq to perform a variety of combat support missions like construction, communications and logistics.

Kentucky Airman helps establish first air coordination cell in Pakistan
August 30, 2010
U.S. Air Force airmen place equipment and prepare to establish operations with the Pakistan Air Force's Central Flood Relief Cell in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Aug. 29, 2010. About 40 airmen assigned to the U.S. Air Force's 621st Contingency Response Wing are working with Pakistani officials to support humanitarian airlift operations and deliver relief supplies to locations throughout Pakistan.

Kentucky ADT delivers motorcycles for inspectors
August 23, 2010
Members of the Kentucky National Guard Agribusiness Development Team with Provincial Reconstruction Team Panjshir delivered four brand-new Corola motorcycles to the Panjshir Province National Environmental Protection Agency director  on Aug. 17, 2010. Now, the director says the agency can enforce standards and do the government’s work.

Guardsmen volunteer to fight fires, save lives on Camp Phoenix
August 23, 2010
First Lt. Joelle Mulder, left, a volunteer firefighter with the South Dakota National Guard's 196th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade listens and watches as Pfc. Josh Haley, the captain and volunteer firefighter with the Massachusetts National Guard's 1st Battalion, 101st Field Artillery explains the proper way to use a hand saw at the Camp Phoenix Fire Station in Kabul, Afghanistan,  Aug. 19, 2010. Mulder and other volunteers at the fire station train twice a week to better prepare themselves for any fire emergency that might happen at Camp Phoenix.