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Archive: April, 2010

After IED hit, 'only thing we couldn't fix was the air conditioning'
April 30, 2010
Members of the 1/172nd Cavalry assigned to the 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain) of the Vermont National Guard replace a damaged front axle on a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle at Forward Operating Base Vulcan, April 5, 2010. The team worked together and got the MRAP back in service after it was sidelined due to an Improvised Explosive Device.

How Sweet It Is
April 30, 2010
Local women receive training about how to manage bee hives for the Kapisa Honeybee Project that the Kentucky National Guard's Agricultural Development Team, attached to the 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the Vermont National Guard, is facilitating, April 6, 2010. The project involves supplying women in Kapisa with beehives and training on how to manage the hives so that they can harvest and sell the honey.

North Dakota Guardsmen take over Camp Nothing Hill
April 29, 2010
North Dakota National Guard members from Multinational Battle Group East and the Turkish contingent salute the changing of flags during a ceremony April 26, 2010.

Tennessee MPs prepare to train Iraqi police
April 29, 2010

Hoax phone calls no laughing matter to Vermont Guard
April 28, 2010
U.S. and Afghan soldiers watch as the CH-47 Chinook helicopter that brought them to the village of Mengal Kheyl in the Zormat district of Afghanistan's Paktya province, lands after completing an air assault mission, April 22, 2010. The soldiers, who captured the district's largest weapons cache in three years are assigned to Company C, 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry Regiment, Vermont National Guard.

South Dakota combat engineers improve operations in Afghanistan
April 22, 2010
Spc. Benjamin Peterson with the maintenance platoon, 21tth Engineer Company, South Dakota Army National Guard, works to recover a set of mine rollers damaged by an improvised explosive device (IED) during a route clearance mission here April 5.

Florida Guard upholds federal readiness in Qatar
April 21, 2010
U.S. Army Capt. Dewitt Revels, from Jacksonville, Fla., meets with a Qatari soldier at Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar, April 19. The 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, the largest Army National Guard unit in Florida, reported for duty at Camp Buehring, Kuwait, in early March. Bravo Troop, 1st Squadron, 153rd Cavalry Regiment, 53rd IBCT soldiers quickly departed the following week to take over force protection from contracting firms at Camp As Sayliyah. "Everyone is going to be enriched by this experience," said Dewitt, Bravo Troop commander.

Indiana Guardsmen meet with ANA to discuss NCO development
April 21, 2010
Army Command Sgt. Maj. Jim Brown, the command sergeant major for the Indiana National Guard's Regional Core Training Team 2, speaks with Afghan National Army Sgt. Maj. Zar M. Sherzad, sergeant major for the ANA's 203rd Thunder Corps, 3rd Brigade, at Forward Operating Base Vulcan, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, April 14, 2010. Brown and Sherzad both spoke at a conference on the development of the ANA's non-commissioned officer program on FOB Vulcan earlier in the day.

Ghana continues partnership with tour of North Dakota
April 21, 2010
Col. Rick Gibney points out features of an MQ-1 ground control station simulator to Lt. Gen. Peter Blay, the chief of Defense Staff for the Ghana Armed Forces, in Fargo, N.D., April 16, 2010. Officials from the Ghanaian Armed Forces (GAF) visited North Dakota to learn about the capabilities of the North Dakota National Guard, and to continue building the bilateral relationship that they have through the State Partnership Program. The North Dakota Air Guard flies the MQ-1 remotely piloted aircraft in Fargo, and uses the simulator to train pilots and sensor operators at the unit.

Iowa Air Guardsman takes care of Airmen as deployed first sergeant
April 20, 2010
Senior Master Sgt. Mark Miller, first sergeant for the 380th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron, participates in a retreat ceremony at a non-disclosed base in Southwest Asia on April 2, 2010. Miller is deployed from the 133rd Test Squadron at Fort Dodge, Iowa, which is a geographically-separated unit of the 185th Air Refueling Wing in Sioux City, Iowa.