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Archive: 2010

Wyoming village at forefront of IED training
October 28, 2010
Pvt. Matt Tetzlaff works on an underground tunnel system during construction of the Counter Improvised Explosive Device Village, at the Wyoming National Guard's Camp Guernsey Joint Training Center in Guernsey, Wyo., Oct. 5, 2010. The village is being constructed at a cost of $1.5 million and will include a prison complex, hidden passageways, false walls, pop-up targets, and adjacent counter IED walking paths and roadways. The project is on track to be fully operational by the spring of 2011.

National Guard takes over major U.S. command in Afghanistan
October 22, 2010
Brig. Gen. Philip R. Fisher, incoming commander of Joint Support Command-Afghanistan, unfurls the colors for the Mississippi National Guard's 184th Expeditionary Sustainment Command during the Joint Sustainment Command-Afghanistan transfer of authority ceremony at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, Oct. 17, 2010.

Female engagement team makes strides in Kunar
October 22, 2010
Teenage girls compare photos taken with an instant camera at the women's shura in Asadabad Afghanistan, Oct. 20, 2010. About 50 local women joined Army, Navy and Air Force females from Task Force No Slack for the event, which allowed Afghan females to identify issues and discuss solutions directly with members from the Kunar Provincial Reconstruction Team, the Iowa National Guard's 734th Agribusiness Development Team, and representatives from the local battle space owner.

Illinois Guard, Polish soldiers train for Afghanistan deployment
October 22, 2010
Polish and Illinois Army National Guard Soldiers that make up the Bilateral Embedded Staff Team (BEST) A7 practice moving between three different firing positions at Marseilles Training Center during the BEST A7 media day Oct. 21, 2010. The BEST A7 will also train in Poland beginning in January before deploying to Afghanistan.

Texas ADT-IV takes over Ghazni mission
October 20, 2010
U.S. Army Maj. John L. Davis, leader of Texas Agribusiness Development Team-IV, greets Maj. William R. Davis, Leader of Texas ADT-III as he assists him to the aircraft. Texas ADT-IV replaced Texas ADT-III at Forward Operating Base Ghazni in Southeast Afghanistan, Oct 13, 2010.

Wisconsin, Michigan Guard provide lift for Operation New Dawn
October 20, 2010
Army Maj. Matthew Strub of Headquarters Company, 1st battalion, 147th Aviation Regiment, prepares to head out on a recent mission in Iraq. The UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter unit, which is based in Madison, Wis., has been in Iraq since September in support of Operation New Dawn.

Kentucky ADT teaches benefits of grape trellis at Dashtak demo farm
October 19, 2010
H. Sultan Hamid, chief trainer for the Roots of Peace organization out of San Diego, Calif., visits the Dashtak Demonstration Farm. Hamid explained to the farm foreman, Agha Share (white vest), and his farm workers step-by-step instructions of how to install trellis posts. Once the posts are secure, a wire at three different heights will run through the posts, training the grapes as they grow. In the past, grapes have grown on the ground which has caused the leaves to mold and caused disease to the grapes.

Air Guard general shares Afghanistan experience with school children
October 18, 2010
Air Force Brig. Gen. Guy Walsh high-fives students from Clark Wood Elementary School in Elkland, Pa., during a visit to the school, Oct. 7, 2010. Walsh, commander of the 451st Expeditionary Wing while deployed to Khandhar, Afghanistan, corresponded with third and fourth graders at the school during his year-long deployment.

Florida Guardsman takes on joint-service security mission at Gulf port
September 29, 2010
A Stryker vehicle drives aboard a cargo vessel Sept. 12, 2010 at the Sea Port of Debarkation in Kuwait, where 1st Lt. Shawn E. Britton, a Florida National Guard Soldier with Battery B under 2nd Battalion, 116th Field Artillery Regiment, and his fellow Seminole Soldiers have been pulling security since March.

Florida Guardsman wears Americal patch in Afghanistan
September 28, 2010
Sgt. 1st Class William Pegler, the battalion fuel handler for the Florida National Guard's 3rd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group deployed to Camp Montrond, Afghanistan, still wears an Americal Division combat patch he earned while serving in the Vietnam War. His unlit cigar is also a staple for the 58-year-old grandfather.