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Archive: July, 2010

South Carolina National Guard unit builds relationships, infrastructure for Afghan people
July 22, 2010
Sgt. 1st Class Kristopher Alvey, civil military operations (CMO) noncommissioned officer of the 1st Battalion, 178th Field Artillery, South Carolina Army National Guard, plays with local Afghan children June 27, 2010, outside of Walayatee school in Afghanistan. Alvey and other members of the CMO are building bonds with Afghan citizens while managing the construction processes of schools and other building infrastructure around the Kabul area.

Iowa, Missouri ADTs link up for training
July 15, 2010
Col. Michael Fortune, commander of the Missouri National Guard's ADT IV, left, and Col. Craig Bargfrede, commander of the Iowa National Guard's 734th Agri-Business Development Team, conduct a meeting of key leaders from the two ADTs at Camp Atterbury, Ind. The two ADTs are deploying to adjacent provinces in Afghanistan later this summer.

North Dakota passes Kosovo mission onto Puerto Rico
July 14, 2010
Army Brig. Gen. Alan S. Dohrmann of the North Dakota National Guard, who is
the outgoing commander of Multinational Battle Group-East spoke at the
Liaison Monitoring Team transfer of authority wishing Soldiers from the
192nd LMT good luck as they take on their mission in Kosovo.

California ADT helps Afghan village after battle
July 13, 2010
Staff Sgt. Philip Arnold, the California Army National Guard's Agribusiness Development Team Security Forces Platoon squadron leader, guides vehicles in the Marawara district days after a U.S. offensive against Taliban forces in the area, July 1, 2010. Arnold and members of the ADT visited the Marawara district as U.S. and Afghan forces are now trying to restore government authority in the area

Delaware Guardsmen help to build Afghanistan's thin blue line
July 13, 2010
U.S. Army Maj. Timothy Drake a Delaware probation and parole officer and a member of the Bamyan Embedded Training Team, which is part of the Vermont National Guard's 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain), simulates patrolling during a class with the Afghan National Police July 4, 2010. Drake, is on his fourth deployment with the National Guard and was hand selected as an ANP mentor due to his law enforcement background.

Arkansas Guard’s ADT reaches out to neighboring villages
July 12, 2010
Tech Sgt. Justin Mankins of Fort Smith takes notes during a discussion with a village elder on Saturday near Qalat City, Afghanistan, while Sgt. 1st Class James Holm of Jonesboro examines a grape vine clipping for insect damage and nutrient deficiency. Mankins and Holm are both members of the Arkansas National Guard’s Agriculture Development Team which is currently deployed to southern Afghanistan. The team’s focus is to expand and improve agriculture education, training and productivity.

First Lady, Dr. Biden help military families
July 8, 2010
Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, talks with soldiers from the Texas Army National Guard on Camp Prosperity in Baghdad, July 5, 2010. Biden held a roundtable discussion with Guard members as an opportunity to hear their family concerns.

Mongolian Expeditionary Task Force holds combat lifesaver training
July 7, 2010
Sgt. Bon-Benedict Villamil V, a combat lifesavers course instructor with the Alaska National Guard's 144th Area Support Medical Company monitors two Mongolian Expeditionary Task Force members as they successfully administer intravenous therapy.

Vermont Guard trains Afghan police as instructors
July 7, 2010

My weekend in Iraq with Dr. Biden
July 7, 2010