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Archive: 2010

Arkansas Guard’s ADT reaches out to neighboring villages
July 12, 2010
Tech Sgt. Justin Mankins of Fort Smith takes notes during a discussion with a village elder on Saturday near Qalat City, Afghanistan, while Sgt. 1st Class James Holm of Jonesboro examines a grape vine clipping for insect damage and nutrient deficiency. Mankins and Holm are both members of the Arkansas National Guard’s Agriculture Development Team which is currently deployed to southern Afghanistan. The team’s focus is to expand and improve agriculture education, training and productivity.

First Lady, Dr. Biden help military families
July 8, 2010
Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, talks with soldiers from the Texas Army National Guard on Camp Prosperity in Baghdad, July 5, 2010. Biden held a roundtable discussion with Guard members as an opportunity to hear their family concerns.

Mongolian Expeditionary Task Force holds combat lifesaver training
July 7, 2010
Sgt. Bon-Benedict Villamil V, a combat lifesavers course instructor with the Alaska National Guard's 144th Area Support Medical Company monitors two Mongolian Expeditionary Task Force members as they successfully administer intravenous therapy.

Vermont Guard trains Afghan police as instructors
July 7, 2010

My weekend in Iraq with Dr. Biden
July 7, 2010

Dr. Biden hears from Guard troops in Iraq
July 6, 2010
Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, talks with soldiers from the Texas Army National Guard on Camp Prosperity in Baghdad, July 5, 2010. Biden held a roundtable discussion with Guard members as an opportunity to hear their family concerns.

The White House Blog: Wrapping Up My Visit to Iraq
July 6, 2010

Ohio Air Guardsman mentors Afghani logisticians
July 6, 2010
Lt. Col. Michael Masiker, in background, watches at Afghan National Army members work on a project. Masiker, a member of the Ohio Air National Guard's 180th Fighter Wing, is currently assigned here as the logistics director for the 438th Air Expeditionary Wing.

Kentucky ADT plans reforestation project for Afghanistan
July 6, 2010
Panjshir Gov. Keramuddin Keram, left, listens to a presentation about the Panjshir Valley Green Belts Project from U.S. Army Lt. Col. Jeffrey Casada, right, Kentucky National Guard Agri-Business Development Team leader with the Panjshir Provincial Reconstruction Team, while Jim Hoffman, U.S. Department of Agriculture advisor to the Panjshir PRT, runs the computer slide show. The July 1, 2010 presentation proposed a project that would bring 35,000 new trees into the province by the end of the year.

Generals make friendly wager on World Cup match
June 28, 2010
Lt. Gen. Peter A. Blay, chief of defense staff for the Ghana Armed Forces, and Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, North Dakota adjutant general, visit with others at Fraine Barracks April 20 during a command visit from leaders of the Ghana Armed Forces. The North Dakota National Guard has partnered with Ghana as part of the Department of Defense-sponsored State Partnership Program. Both generals have a friendly bet on the outcome of the U.S. vs. Ghana World Cup match June 26.