NGB Innovation Planning Team and Emblem

Innovation Office

Home : Leadership : Joint Staff : J-8 : Innovation

Do you have an Innovation Idea, submit here: JCADP





Mission: The NGB J84 mission is to accelerate the adoption of innovative and emerging technology to improve readiness of personnel across the 54, support the warfighter, enhance Department of Defense relationships, and to foster imagination and critical thinking across the Guard.


National Guard Innovation Competition 2020 Videos
Video by Charles Crosby
National Guard Bureau
June 1, 2020 | 5:27
The Defense Innovation Unit highlighting the small UAS effort.

“NG Innovators are confident that their solutions to the warfighter’s problems have full support from concept to implementation.”

NGB Innovation Office Vision Statement

What We Do

Advocate, promote, and support innovation across the National Guard, channeling the talents of the NG force toward positive change for the enterprise while expanding the capacity and capability of the NG to support the Total Force.

How We Do It

Who Helps Us Do It

  • DoD governance forums
  • NGB Innovation Ecosystem members
  • Private industry
  • Academia
  • Joint Forces Headquarters
  • Functional Area Subject Matter Experts

“The cumulative brilliance of our NG Innovators enables us to meet operational challenges at the point of need and improve the organization.”

Mr. Keith E. Buchholz, NGB Comptroller

Contact Us

Branch Chief: Lt Col Cristi Campbell

Deputy Branch Chief: Maj Francisco Jimenez

Innovation Programmer: Youssef Mabrouk