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Archive: March, 2010

Iraq troop evacuation effects at Camp Atterbury
March 31, 2010
Despite the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq, Soldiers continue to prepare for operations in other countries to include Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa. Here, troops assigned to Provincial Reconstruction Teams assemble for a departure ceremony at Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center as they prepare for an upcoming deployment to Afghanistan.

Theater hospital wall preserves memory, sacrifice
March 25, 2010
Names and messages are scribbled on the wounded warrior wall at the contingency aeromedical staging facility at Joint Base Balad, Iraq

JOSAC recognizes three Guard flying units
March 19, 2010
Lt. Col. Rick Omang, commander of the 178th Airlift Squadron of the North
Dakota Air National Guard, performs a preflight inspection before conducting combat operations while deployed in Southwest Asia July 26, 2009.

Southern Steel rolls out, Bootleggers take the wheel
March 17, 2010
Command Sgt. Maj. John Cartwright Sr., squadron command sergeant major of 3rd Squadron, 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment of the Tennessee National Guard, shakes hands with 1st Sgt. Brian Belue, interim command sergeant major of the 1st Squadron, 98th Cavalry Regiment of the Mississippi National Guard, after a flag presentation during a transfer of authority ceremony at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, Iraq, March 10, 2010. The flag was presented to the 1/98 Cavalry from the 3/278 Cavalry as a gesture of southern hospitality.

Chief: Oregon partnership with Bangladesh 'vitally important'
March 15, 2010
Lt. Col. Lance Englet, commander of the 102 Civil Support Team of the Oregon National Guard, left, briefs Bangladeshi Maj. Gen. Abdul Wadud, principle staff officer for the Armed Forces Division of Bangladesh, on the capabilities and mission of his unit, outside the Anderson Readiness Center, in Salem, Ore., March 7, 2010 as Maj. Gen. Raymond F. Rees, the adjutant general of the Oregon Guard, right, looks on. Members of the Bangladeshi military visited the Anderson Readiness Center and the Oregon Military Department prior to the kick off of the State Partnership Program, March 8-10, held in Portland, Ore.

Oregon Guardsmen provide force protection at entry control points
March 15, 2010
Sgt. Mark Benson, a force protection noncommissioned officer at entry control point 13 with A Troop, 1st Squadron, 82nd Cavalry Regiment, 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the Oregon National Guard scans the eyes of a local national before allowing him to enter Victory Base Complex, Iraq, March 8, 2010.

Sharing medical ideas during Botswana workshop
March 11, 2010

Indiana firefighter protects base, Airmen
March 11, 2010
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Joshua Wolff, a Monroeville, Ind., native, assigned to the 122nd Fighter Wing, Indiana National Guard, is currently deployed with the 386th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron fire department at an air base in Southwest Asia.

Minnesota OMLT deploys with Croatians to Afghanistan
March 4, 2010
Members of the OMLT III of the Minnesota National Guard stand at attention during their deployment ceremony March 1, 2010. The following day, they left for training at Ft. Polk and will deploy with the Croatian Armed Forces to Afghanistan for about a year.

A job well done for Georgia's 48th
March 3, 2010
1st Lt. David Esra, right, speaks with the new Qara Bagh District Chief of Police Afghan National Police 3rd Lt. Abdul Rauf at the Qara Bagh District Center in Ghazni province, Afghanistan, Feb. 21, 2010. Esra is the platoon leader of 3rd Platoon, Company D, 1st Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment, 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the Georgia Army National Guard.