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Archive: February, 2010

Mississippi Guardsmen conduct final escort missions
February 25, 2010
Spc. Timothy West, a driver with Troop C, 1st Squadron, 98th Cavalry Regiment of the Mississippi National Guard, attaches the barrel on a Browning .50-caliber machine gun to an MRAP gun turret prior to a convoy mission in northern Iraq on Feb. 20, 2010.

South Dakota engineer platoon provides route security
February 24, 2010
Soldiers from Second Platoon, 211th Engineer Company (sappers) of the South Dakota Army National Guard, known as "The Punishers," recently conducted traffic control points in the Paktika Province of Afghanistan.

Soldiers to get new uniform for Afghanistan
February 22, 2010
Pfc. Joshua E. Tomblin, Staff Sgt. Kevin J. Imholt, and 1st Lt. Thomas J. Goodman, all with 3rd Platoon, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, lead a patrol through the Wata Poor district in Afghanistan. The Soldiers are wearing the Army's new uniform pattern for Afghanistan.

Afghans reach out to U.S. route-clearance patrol
February 17, 2010

Kentucky ADT helps Afghan farmers reach new markets
February 17, 2010
Lt. Col. Toby Peterson, a member of the Kentucky National Guard's Agri-business Development Team, listens as Hijig Mohammad Walli discusses the progress of local vineyard near Janquadm, Parwan province, Sep. 25, 2009. Peterson stands outside the section of the vineyards where trellising is being introduced as a new method for local grape production.

Alabama Guardsmen train Iraqis for security missions
February 16, 2010
Soldiers with the 217th Military Police Company of the Alabama National Guard run a course that trains Iraqi police forces in security operations. On Feb. 11, 2010, the training focus was election security.

Wyoming Guardsmen improve camp efficiency, support military movements
February 12, 2010
Soldiers enjoy down time while catching up with family and friends at the USO within Camp Virginia, Kuwait. The complex at the camp includes computers, telephones, video games, television sets, a movie theater and a "United Through Reading" room.

Army Guard engineers support Cobra Gold 2010
February 5, 2010

Georgia Guardsmen set up radio stations for Afghan villagers
February 4, 2010
A young Afghan man and a border police officer search for the new Shinwar district radio station on a radio distributed by Afghan and coalition forces.

Colorado Guardsmen protect the force in Iraq
February 2, 2010
Force Protection Soldiers of Bravo Troop with the Colorado National Guard's 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team, move stairs of an observation point at an entry control point to Victory Base Complex on Jan. 9, 2010. The entry point was upgraded to provide more security for VBC. Blast walls were added around the entrance. Hesco barriers were replaced and added to support the base of the observation point.