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Category: Overseas Operations

Mississippi beekeeper uses hobby at Gitmo
June 3, 2010
Tech. Sgt. Rodney Buntyn calms a beehive with smoke as he prepares to move wooden frames from a work site April 2, 2010, at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The 474th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron supports Joint Task Force Guantanamo by maintaining the Expeditionary Legal Complex and Camp Justice facilities and infrastructure power production craftsman with the Mississippi Air National Guard's 186th Civil Engineering Squadron, deployed to Joint Task Force Guantanamo with the 474th Expeditionary Civil Engineering Squadron,.

Minnesota Guard, Croatia train for Afghanistan deployment
June 3, 2010
Working with Minnesota National Guard Soldiers, Afghan National Army soldiers prepare to clear a room during an Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team training exercise at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany. Sixty-five Afghan soldiers participated in OMLT training at JMRC to help prepare U.S. and multinational troops to deploy to Afghanistan as part of the NATO International Security Assistance Force. The OMLT will help with the ISAF mission of assisting the government of Afghanistan in establishing and maintaining a safe and secure environment.

Kentucky ADT trains for upcoming Afghanistan deployment
June 2, 2010

Northcom chief cites Mexico partnership as top priority
June 2, 2010

South Carolina Guard secures PRT operations
June 2, 2010
Sgt. Allen Huey of the South Carolina Army National Guard provides security during a key leader engagement in Orgun District with help from a member of the Afghan National Army. Huey and his team, formerly field artillery specialists, are serving as the security force element for the Paktika Provincial Reconstruction Team in eastern Afghanistan. Huey is deployed from the B/1-178th Field Artillery Regiment. The Paktika PRT is a joint team that assists in the reconstruction of the province through governance, development and agricultural initiatives.

Louisiana Guard turns in seven years of equipment from Iraq
June 1, 2010
Soldiers with 3rd Battalion, 156th Infantry Regiment, 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the Louisiana National Guard check serial numbers of items prepared for turn-in. The 256th IBCT has been chosen to turn in more than 17,000 pieces of theater provided equipment as part of the upcoming responsible drawdown of troops and equipment in Iraq.

Guam Air Guardsmen show island pride during deployment
June 1, 2010
Nine deployed members of the 380th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron deployed from the Guam Air National Guard's 254th Force Support Squadron at Anderson Air Base, Guam, are serving up 30-mile wide smiles, the length of the island where they hail from, and sharing their island ways with the 1,900 Airmen, Soldiers and Sailors who are deployed to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southwest Asia.

Oklahoma civil engineer entertains troops
June 1, 2010
Air Force Staff Sgt. Israel Poire of the Oklahoma Air National Guard practices on his guitar at an air base in Southwest Asia May 28, 2010.

Southcom completes Haiti disaster response
June 1, 2010

Colorado Guard, Slovenia team to mentor Afghan army
May 26, 2010