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Category: Overseas Operations

Washington National Guard, Malaysian Partners Share Expertise
February 13, 2025
Participants of the Seventh Annual Airman-to-Airman Talks pose for a group photo at Camp Murray, Washington, Feb. 11, 2025. The three-day program focused on professional development, air domain awareness, and strengthening relationships between Pacific Air Forces, the Washington Air National Guard and Royal Malaysian Air Force.

56th SBCT Medics Execute Mass Casualty Wargame Exercise
February 10, 2025
U.S. Soldiers with the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania National Guard in support of the Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine mission play through the role of medics providing treatment during a mass casualty triage wargame exercise at Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, Jan. 22, 2025.  The wargame addresses casualty care triage in a large-scale combat operations environment.

Tennessee National Guard Supports Bulgaria’s F-16 Acquisition
February 7, 2025
Members of the Bulgarian Defense Ministry and the Tennessee Air National Guard pose for a photo after Bulgaria took delivery of its first batch of F-16 “Fighting Falcon” aircraft at Lockheed Martin’s Greenville, South Carolina, site, Jan. 31, 2025. Tennessee and Bulgaria have been partners in the Department of Defense National Guard Bureau State Partnership Program since 1993.

Swedish Soldiers Train with 42nd Infantry Division Partners
February 7, 2025
U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Jack A. James Jr., right, the commander of the New York National Guard’s 42nd Infantry Division, speaks with Swedish Army soldiers during the division’s Warfighter 25-3 exercise at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa., Jan. 31, 2025. The Swedish soldiers’ participation with the New York Army National Guardsmen during Warfighter Exercise 25-3 marks their second visit with the 42nd Infantry Division and their first experience working with the United States in a division-level warfighter exercise.

Alaska Guard Deploys to Eastern Europe to Support NATO Allies
February 4, 2025
Alaska Army National Guard Col. Michele Edwards and Command Sgt. Maj. Russel Throckmorton, the commander and command sergeant major of the 297th Regional Support Group, case the unit colors during a deployment ceremony at the Alaska National Guard Armory on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Jan. 24, 2025. The Alaska Army National Guard’s Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 297th RSG, will deploy approximately 80 Guardsmen on a nine-month mission to Eastern Europe to support U.S. Army Europe and Africa’s Operation European Assure, Deter and Reinforce.

Pennsylvania National Guard Soldiers Deploying to Kuwait
February 4, 2025
More than 140 U.S. Soldiers with the Fort Indiantown Gap-based 3622nd Sustainment Maintenance Company are recognized during a ceremony Feb. 1, 2025, at the Zembo Shrine in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The unit is departing for a year-long deployment to the Middle East.

New Jersey National Guard, Cyprus Strengthen Partnership
February 4, 2025
Members of the New Jersey Air National Guard and National Guard of the Republic of Cyprus pose for a group photo during training on Nov. 21, 2024, at Camp Panteli Katelari, Cyprus. The Republic of Cyprus National Guard and the NJNG collaborated on NCO best practices.

Illinois Guard Unit to Support U.S. Army Europe and Africa
January 21, 2025
Soldiers stand in formation during a mobilization ceremony for the 634th Brigade Support Battalion Forward Logistics Element Jan. 20, 2025, at the Illinois Army National Guard's Readiness Center in Sullivan. The unit, with just over a dozen Soldiers, will support logistics for U.S. Army Europe and Africa.

Kentucky National Guard Military Police to Deploy Overseas
January 16, 2025
U.S. Army Spc. Tyler Pettibone, of the 617th Military Police Company, 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, places the guidon at the deployment ceremony at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Richmond, Kentucky, Jan. 4, 2025. Approximately 40 Soldiers with the 617th are deploying to the Middle East to support Operation Inherent Resolve.

Alaska Guard, Mongolia Conduct Cybersecurity Exchange
January 16, 2025
Chief Master Sgt. Brandy Thanos, Master Sgt. Bjorn Nielson, Tech Sgt. James Gilchrest, and Staff Sgt. Steven Laszloffy of the Alaska Air National Guard pose for a photo with their cyber defense counterparts in Mongolia while discussing cyber defense training and information exchange opportunities. The Alaska National Guard and Mongolia are State Partnership Program partners.