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Archive: 2006

America Supports You: Florida Moms Help 'Cell Phones for Soldiers'
July 3, 2006

New York gets assist from Pennsylvania
June 30, 2006

Guard provides rescue, recovery during northeast floods
June 30, 2006
NYS Governor George E. Pataki surveys the flood damage to New York's Southern Tier with Maj. Gen. Joseph J. Taluto, The Adjutant General for the New York National Guard. Approximately 350 New York National Guard Soldiers responded for evacuations and rescues during the late June flooding. Engineer Soldiers continue to provide recovery assistance in communities affected by the historic flood levels.

National Guard Units Respond to Flooding in Northeast
June 30, 2006

New Mexico Guard troops pave way for Operation Jump Start
June 29, 2006

Fiscal '07 Air Guard promotions to lieutenant colonel, major announced
June 29, 2006

Guardsmen provide quick response to plane crash
June 29, 2006

Air Force personnel services website renamed to myPers
June 1, 2006
U.S. Air Force graphic