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New York Guard Soldiers to compete in international shooting match
March 28, 2011
Some of the New York Army National Guard Soldiers chosen to compete in the South African National Defense Force 2011 Regional Combat Rifle Competition pose at Watervliet Arsenal after fulfilling requirements for the trip. Standing, Staff Sgt. Dennis Rick, Sgt. Maj. Anthony Coluccio, Sgt. 1st Class Arthur Evans, an alternate, Spc. Matthew Melendez and Cpl. Jonathan Patton. Kneeling, Spc. Masami Yamakado and Spc. Jason Grossman. Other Soldiers who are part of the team were not available for the photograph.

Texas Guard hosts multinational combat arms exercise
March 28, 2011
Two Texas Army National Guard Uh-60 Black hawks conduct training missions during a Red Flag exercise March 2-6, 2011. The Black hawks were preparing to insert the Czech/US Multi-National Assault Force near the enemy village, amid heavy surface to air fire.

McKinley: State Partnership Program National Guard crown jewel
March 24, 2011
Botswana Defence Force Brig. Gen. George Tlhalerwa fires a squad automatic
weapon as Army Col. Jeffery Brotherton, North Carolina National Guard,
observes, Aug. 17, 2009, at the Camp Butner National Guard Training Center
in North Carolina. The event, a State Partnership Program initiative, gave a
delegation of officers and civilians from Botswana an opportunity to see
U.S. training facilities and weapons ranges.

Romanian Air Force officers visit Alabama Guard unit
March 23, 2011
Romanian Air Force officers look over an F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jet at the Alabama National Guard's 187th Fighter Wing during a recent visit as part of the National Guard State Partnership Program.

Now it’s 63: National Guard State Partnership Program pairs Iowa, Kosovo
March 23, 2011
Army 1st Lt. Aaron Rosheim, a helicopter pilot with the Iowa National
Guard's C Company, 2-147th Aviation Battalion, explains an essay assignment
to a group of students at the Youth Center in Ferizaj/Urosevac, Kosovo, Aug.
3, 2010. Rosheim wass among a group of MNBG-E Soldiers, who visited the
youth center twice a week to prepare a group of students to take an English
language test. Rosheim was deployed as a part of MNBG-E in support of the
NATO peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.

National Guard's State Partnership Program hosts Armenian police in Kansas
March 18, 2011
Flag of the Republic of Armenia.

Kosovo-bound Guardmembers finish training at Camp Atterbury
March 1, 2011
New Mexico Army National Guard Soldiers from C Company, 1st Battalion, 200th Infantry Regiment, confront a riot during a demonstration of their capabilities at Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center, Ind. Feb. 10, 2011. C Company is part of a task force deploying to Kosovo, a former Yugoslav republic that is now a sovereign state, to aid in stability efforts.

Grass: Guard, USNORTHCOM have critical partnership
January 24, 2011
Army Lt. Gen. Frank Grass, deputy commander of USNORTHCOM and vice commander of U.S. Element NORAD, speaks during the 2011 National Guard Bureau Domestic Operations Workshop at the Gaylord National Convention Center in National Harbor, Md., Jan. 20, 2011. Grass spoke about the important partnership the Guard and NORTHCOM have in the homeland.

Wisconsin Guard Agribusiness Team eyes year of growth
January 4, 2011
Sgt. Jason Stevens, a horticulturist with the California Army National Guard's 40th Infantry Division Agribusiness Development Team, gathers a soil sample from a field alongside the main road in Marawara, Afghanistan, on Nov. 23, 2009. The ADT stopped in Marawara to meet with local farmers about their crop output and farming in the area, as well as to gather soil samples to learn how crop production might be increased in the area.

Missouri National Guard hosts Panamanian National Police
December 29, 2010
Republic of Panama flag