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Archive: 2011

Guard members highlight combatives program through mixed-martial arts
November 21, 2011
Army Sgt. Jeremy Koerper of the Missouri National Guard's 1138th Military Police Company is declared the winner over Bob Spencer at the Fight-Me Mixed Martial Arts League event on Nov. 11, 2011 at the St. Charles Family Arena in St. Charles, Mo. Koerper beat his opponent in the second round.

Iraq: Guard member has not so typical deployment in Iraq
November 21, 2011
Army 1st Lt. Geremy Harper, Headquarters, Headquarters Company, 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, is the liaison between civilian contractors and military personnel at Victory Base Complex in Iraq, ensuring that operations of the base are smoothly coordinated.

National Guard troops get realistic training ahead of Kosovo mission
November 20, 2011
A group of Georgia National Guard Soldiers stack behind a wall during the cordon and search lane at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany Nov. 7, 2011. National Guard Soldiers from several states - including the Wisconsin Army National Guard's 157th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade - are part of the KFOR 15 rotation preparing to deploy to Kosovo in the upcoming months.

Nevada Guard helps Reno Police in fire-stricken neighborhood
November 19, 2011
Police Lt. Mac Venzon of the Reno police department briefs a joint Nevada Guard and Reno Police security team before it heads into fire-affected areas on the night of Nov. 18, 2011. The security team's mission was to clear the area and mitigate any safety hazards.

West Virginia Air National Guard's 167th Airlift Wing participates in historic surge
November 18, 2011
A C-5 Galaxy aircraft assigned to the 167th Airlift Wing, takes off from Shepherd Field, Martinsburg, W. Va., Oct. 19, 2011. The aircraft was the seventh aircraft to launch from the unit as part of an Air Force wide "surge" exercise for the C-5 fleet. The exercise, which was testing the United States Transportation Command's ability to rapidly provide strategic airlift in support of contingencies around the world, took place Oct. 17 to 21 and included 41 C-5 aircraft from the Air Force active, Reserve, and Guard

Realistic scenario tests National Guard Homeland Response Force capabilities
November 18, 2011
The Florida and Georgia National Guard's Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High-Yield Explosive Enhanced Response Force Packages and the newly-formed Georgia National Guard Homeland Response Force respond to a disaster scenario during an evaluation during training at Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, Fla., on Nov. 17, 2011.

Missouri Guard Soldier turns life around, competes in memory of Guard athlete
November 18, 2011
Missouri Army National Guard Master Sgt. Mark

New statue recalls WWI sacrifice of "Rainbow" Division Guard members
November 18, 2011
Missouri Army National Guard Master Sgt. Mark

Afghanistan: Virginia Guard's DJ-Soldier rocks FOB
November 18, 2011
Army Sgt. Deon D. Matthews, a Sanford, N.C. native deployed to Forward Operating Base Lagman with the 116th Virginia Army National Guard, DJs twice weekly for the troops.

New York National Guard conducts "dirty bomb" drill in urban setting
November 18, 2011
Citizen-Soldiers of the New York Army National Guard's 1156th Engineer Company in full hazardous material gear assist a civilian participant in Kingston, N.Y., during the extraction phase of a joint force first responders exercise in reaction to a radioactive attack. New York National Guard Citizen-Soldiers and -Airmen collaborate with local authorities to help train for the response to a radioactive terrorist attack, Nov. 5, 2011.

Border mission Guard members serve communities on Veterans Day
November 18, 2011
Arizona Citizen-Soldiers serving in Operation Copper Cactus lead the military procession in their humvees during the Veterans Day parade in Tucson, Nov. 11. Soldiers volunteered their off-duty time to support the event which began with the opening of the Veterans' Memorial at the Pasqua Yaqui Tribe Cemetery. Hundreds from the community lined the streets of the parade route to cheer and salute the Soldiers.

Iraq: Short haul, long night for Minnesota Guard's "Drifters"
November 18, 2011
Citizen-Soldiers from the 194th Armor's Delta Company arrive at Camp Adder, Iraq, after a convoy security mission.

Africa: Rwandan soldiers, Kansas Guard conduct leadership course
November 18, 2011
Army Capt. Kevin Cadena, 1st Battalion, 161st Field Artillery, Kansas Army National Guard, discusses task organization with a Rwanda Defense Force company commander during a break after class at the Gako Military Academy in Gako, Rwanda, October 19, 2011. Cadena along with other Soldiers from Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa traveled to Gako to share leadership skills with the RDF.

Deployments & mental health: Longer dwell times may increase risk
November 18, 2011
Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center seal

Wolf Ops: Muscatatuck Urban Training Complex's training secret
November 16, 2011
Army Master Sgt. Scott Cutter, Wolf Operations Group acting command sergeant major, (upper right) watches to see how his military personnel perform during a joint civilian-military exercise in the Afghan Marketplace at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center.

Missouri Guard crucial player in summer flood fight
November 16, 2011
Standing on a bridge on Holt County Rd. 290, Kathy Kunkel, Holt County Clerk, gave a first-hand account to Gov. Jay Nixon and Army Maj. Gen. Stephen Danner, adjutant general of the Missouri National Guard, of the devastation and destruction local citizens faced from the rising flood waters. The Missouri River broke through levees just six miles to the west and filled the basin with eight feet of water in a mere 48 hours.

Oregon Guard schedules events to link members of all services with jobs
November 16, 2011
Oregon National Guard emblem

Hawaii National Guard supports APEC Summit
November 16, 2011
Hawaii Army National Guard soldiers augment the Honolulu Police Department's security and traffic control teams in Waikiki during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in November of 2011.

Michigan Air Guard members begin rolling mobilizations
November 15, 2011
A KC-135 Stratotanker takes off from Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mich., April 14, 2011. The Air National Guard provides about half of all the air refueling capability in the Air Force. This aircraft is operated by the 127th Air Refueling Group of the Michigan Air National Guard.

JSLC: McHugh says Guard remedy for military, civilian divide
November 15, 2011
Secretary of the Army John McHugh gives remarks during the National Guard Joint Senior Leader Conference, Nov. 9, 2011, at the Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center in Maryland.