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Tag: State Partnership Program

Guard partnership program adapts, continues to grow
November 15, 2021
West Virginia National Guardsmen show members of the Peruvian military how to do field maintenance of Humvees. The Peruvian soldiers deployed as part of an international peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic.

National Guard leader to Croatia president: 'Thank you for quarter-century partnership'
November 12, 2021
Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson, chief, National Guard Bureau, right, and Croatia's President Zoran Milanovic, Zagreb, Croatia, Nov. 5, 2021.

Thriving: Tennessee, Bulgaria partnership nears 30th anniversary
November 12, 2021
Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson, chief, National Guard Bureau, right, with Adm. Emil Eftimov, Bulgaria's chief of defense, Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. 4, 2021.

Maine Airman helps strengthen Montenegro partnership
November 8, 2021
Maine Air National Guard Maj. Carolyn Richley, bilateral affairs officer, in Montenegro. Maine and Montenegro have been partners for 15 years under the Department of Defense State Partnership Program, building a cooperative mutually beneficial relationship.

Oregon Guard, partner Bangladesh focus on disaster response
November 4, 2021
U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Denise Phillips, a delegate from the Oregon National Guard, discusses disaster management for gender and vulnerable populations with others attending the 2021 the Bangladesh Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange (DREE) hosted by the Bangladesh Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Bangladesh Armed Forces Division, and the U.S. Army Pacific at Dhaka, Bangladesh, Oct. 26, 2021. The DREE brought together over 30 countries to compare best practices for disaster relief.

Iowa National Guard to mark long partnership with Kosovo
November 3, 2021
Maj. Gen. Ben Corell observes maintenance training conducted by Kosovo Security Force members Sept. 20, 2021, at Camp Dodge in Johnston, Iowa. This training was part of the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program and the ongoing relationship between the Iowa National Guard and the Republic of Kosovo.

State Partnership Program helps Guard build relationships
October 26, 2021
Capt. Le Mohamed Louaita, commander for Djiboutian Demining Co., expresses gratitude to Tech. Sgt. Dylan Wagner, explosive ordnance disposal technician, 123rd Airlift Wing, Aug. 22, 2021, in Djibouti City, Djibouti. Kentucky National Guard Engineers with the 577th Sapper Company and 123rd Airlift Wing traveled more than 15,000 miles to Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, to train with the Djiboutian military demining company as a part of the State Partnership Program.

Wisconsin Guard, Papua New Guinea strengthen partnership
October 21, 2021
Maj. Gen Gilbert Toropo, the Papua New Guinea chief of defense, presents Maj. Gen. Paul Knapp, Wisconsin’s adjutant general, with a gift in September 2021 in Hawaii. Knapp visited Hawaii to meet with Toropo and attend a series of conferences in conjunction with the Wisconsin National Guard’s partnership with Papua New Guinea through the State Partnership Program.

Indiana Guard helps Niger military address mental health
October 19, 2021
Indiana National Guard Cpt. Jennifer Nevers, a behavioral health officer with the Indiana National Guard’s 738th Medical Company Area Support, meets Lt. Col. Aichatou Ousmane Issaka, the Niger Armed Forces director of psychological and social services, in Niamey, Niger, to strategize on mental health issues for the military. The Indiana Guard and Niger are partners under the National Guard State Partnership Program.

Vermont National Guard to add Austria as third state partner
October 18, 2021
Vermont and Austria, which have similar terrain and economic and agricultural industries, are partnering under the National Guard's State Partnership Program. This image, designed in Adobe Photoshop, contains two cropped photos and two graphics combined with blending techniques.