The ARNG has been entrusted with the lives of America's finest men and women. We are committed to living up to that trust through finding ways to provide the best possible preparation for the challenges our Soldiers face in combat and during response to natural disasters. The Army National Guard Soldier takes pride in the commitment they have made to be ready to fight. Through the mutual commitment of their Families, employers and communities, our Soldiers are supported throughout the readiness cycle. ARNG 4.0 respects the sacrifices our employers and Families make to get our Soldiers the training they need to fight, win, and return home safely.
Balancing Time Away from Home and Family
Since 9/11, much of the National Guard has operated far outside the "one weekend a month" mindset. The average National Guard Soldier serves about two weeks more per year than the historical norm. In particular, Soldiers who are full-students may face increased difficulty balancing additional training requirements with their collegiate obligations. ARNG 4.0 helps by focusing those additional training requirements with their collegiate obligations. ARNG 4.0 helps by focusing those additional training days with specific units to give the Nation, states and local communities a better-trained and more responsive force. While ARNG 4.0 increases expectations on Soldiers, Families and employers, it delivers a more capable ARNG.
Support to Families
The Army National Guard recognizes the sacrifices our Families make to support our Nation. Every state, territory and the District of Columbia has full and part-time Family readiness support assets. Additionally, through partnerships with not-for-profit organizations, businesses and other government entities, the ARNG is committed to supporting our Families. More information regarding Family Programs can be found here: National Guard Family Program