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Archive: December, 2011

National Guard diversity conference to go virtual for minimum cost, maximum impact
December 5, 2011
Virtual Diversity Conference graphic

Pennsylvania National Guard vital to Canadian forces deployment training
December 5, 2011
A CH-47F Chinook helicopter crew with the Pennsylvania Army National Guard's B Company, 2nd of the 104th General Support Aviation Battalion prepares for night operations during Exercise Maple Reserve in October 2011. The Pennsylvania National Guard, due to its assets and proximity to the Canadian border, were called on to help the Canadian army with pre-deployment training requirements.

Iraq: Virginia National Guard Calvary unit makes final preparations to leave Iraq
December 5, 2011
A National Soldier assigned to Able Troop, 2nd Squadron, 183rd Cavalry Regiment of the Virginia Army National Guard, reviews a check list on Contingency Operating Base Adder, Iraq, in preparation for their final convoy out of Iraq, Dec. 2, 2011.

Kentucky governor, first lady celebrate holidays with Guard members
December 5, 2011
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and First lady, Jane Beshear, examine Leland Caty's specially decorated keep-sake during a holiday celebration held in Idependence, Ky., on Dec. 3, 2011. Caty's step-father, Army Spc. Neal McIver is a member of the 1204th Aviation Support Battalion of the Kentucky National Guard.

Farewell Maj. Gen. Carpenter, you will be missed
December 3, 2011
Army Maj. Gen. Raymond Carpenter, the acting director of the Army National Guard, sits among friends and family during a farewell ceremony held in his honor at the Army National Guard Readiness Center Nov. 30, 2011, in Arlington, Va. Carpenter will return to his home state of South Dakota after 29-months as the acting director.

Air base, Air Guard Wing supports airborne brigade deployment
December 2, 2011
Air Force Tech. Sgt. David Merchlewitz , 732nd Air Mobility Squadron, shows Soldiers from the 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division where to go as they get ready to board a Boeing 737 preparing to leave for a deployment to Afghanistan Nov. 28, 2011. The 290 Soldiers who left made up the first big initial departure. Through mid-December more than 3,500 Soldiers are scheduled to depart Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson en route to Afghanistan.

Deployed Virginia Guard Soldiers give thanks for support from groups nationwide
December 2, 2011
Chaplain's assistant Army Staff Sgt. Shawn Bartz, from the Virginia Army National Guard 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, and Army Spc. Brehann Hudgins open and inventory care packages at Forward Operating Base Lagman, Afghanistan. The "Stonewall Brigade" is deployed to Zabul province conducting counterinsurgency operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Kuwait: Minnesota Guard Soldiers start drawing down one convoy at a time
December 2, 2011
34th Infantry Division "Red Bulls"

Iowa National Guard Soldiers recognized for ironman ammo pack system
December 2, 2011
Army Spc. Derick Morgan models the "Ironman Pack Ammunition Pack System for Small Dismounted Team," the high-capacity ammunition carriage system which enables a machine gunner to carry and fire up to 500 rounds of linked ammunition from a rucksack-like carrier. He and two other members of the Iowa National Guard's 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Army Staff Sgt. J. Winkowski and Army Spc. Aaron McNew were recognized as part of the U.S. Army's greatest inventions competition after a panel of combat veteran Soldiers voted them part of the most innovative advances in Army technology.

Afghanistan: Oklahoma Guard Soldiers receive GPS guided airdrop
December 2, 2011
U.S. Army Sgt. Barry Dilley, a supply noncommissioned officer with the Oklahoma Army National Guard's 1st Battalion, 279th Infantry, walks down a path at Combat Out Post Herrera Nov. 28, 2011. The COP, which sits 8,700 feet above sea level and is surrounded by mountains and local villagers, received a Joint Precision Airdrop System resupply Nov. 27, 2011, consisting of 18,000 lbs of fuel. COP Herrera's local terrain, coupled with the high Taliban presence, makes it difficult for ground resupply missions.

Family Day draws 1,000 to Air Guard Base
December 2, 2011
Family members of Kentucky Air Guard members exit the 123rd Airlift Wing's Mini C-130 after an orientation "flight" Oct. 23, 2011, during the wing's annual Family Day celebration in Louisville, Ky. The Mini C-130 is a scale replica of the Hercules transport aircraft, built on a golf-cart chassis and propelled by a 27-horsepower gasoline motor. Although incapable of flight, it can reach speeds of up to 20 mph, features working propellers, a functional cargo door, a UHF radio, a high-powered stereo system and seating for up to a dozen passengers. The replica was built from scratch by the Airmen of the Kentucky Air Guard's 123rd Maintenance Squadron.

World at strategic inflection point, Dempsey says - and praises Air Guard member on world stage
December 1, 2011
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his wife, Deanie, talk with British pensioner Dorothy Hughes as part of the Royal United Services Institute conference in London, Nov. 29, 2011.

Iraqis stand ready to defend their own
December 1, 2011
Iraqi Army Aviation Command, Squadron 21 members prepare a Bell 407 helicopter for takeoff at Taji Air Base, July 14, 2011.

Indiana Guard members join Iraq exodus
December 1, 2011
Army Staff Sgt. Rachel Jensen, 76th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, Indiana National Guard, reunites with her boyfriend, Army Sgt. James Davis, senior medic for Troop A, 2-152 Infantry Battalion, both of Westfield, Ind., after returning home from deployment to Iraq with Indiana's 219th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, Nov. 29, 2011.

Oregon National Guard member helps service members reintegrate
December 1, 2011
Oregon National Guard emblem

Air Force leaders collaborate on Total Force future
December 1, 2011
(U.S. Air Force graphic/Corey Parrish)

Afghanistan: 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team mission changes
December 1, 2011
Department of Defense Seal

Era of Vietnam War veterans serving in North Dakota Guard ends
December 1, 2011
Alan K. Peterson served as a plane captain in the U.S. Navy (similar to a
crew chief in the Army and Air Force) on the USS Kitty Hawk during the
Vietnam War in 1972. He was part of Attack Squadron 195 (VA-195) out of
Lemorre, Calif. Peterson, now 60, retired from the North Dakota National
Guard on Wednesday. He was the last Vietnam veteran serving in the state's