CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo - Army Brig. Gen. Al Dohrmann, commander of Multinational Battle Group East (MNBG-E) for Kosovo Forces (KFOR) 12 held an informal meeting here July 7 with media representatives from throughout Kosovo.
Dohrmann of the North Dakota National Guard discussed the work done by MNBG-E and the progress that has been made during KFOR 12's time in Kosovo. He also introduced his replacement to the media, Col. Francisco J. Neuman of the 92nd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade of the Puerto Rico National Guard. He will officially assume command July 24 during a transfer of authority ceremony.
During this final meeting with the Kosovo media, Dohrmann expressed his personal feelings regarding the transfer of MNBG-E to KFOR 13.
"It is with mixed feelings that we prepare to hand over responsibility of the safe and secure environment and freedom of movement in Kosovo to Col. Neuman and the able Soldiers under his command," said Dohrmann. "On one hand, it will be difficult to say goodbye to our friends and colleagues who remain here after we are gone.
"On the other hand, there is a great sense of excitement among our Soldiers to return home and reunite with our families, as well as a sense of satisfaction over their efforts here in Kosovo and the significant progress we have seen first-hand."
Dohrmann said his troops have worked closely with the border police from Kosovo and the former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to improve security along the border, improve cooperation between Kosovo and FYROM and increase the capability of the Kosovo Border Police.
"We have worked extensively with the Kosovo Police in exercises and joint training events, including a joint field exercise in Gnjilane/Gjilan)," he said.
Following Dohrmann's opening remarks, Neuman took the opportunity to address the media for the first time since arriving in Kosovo earlier in the week.
He said he is happy to come back to Kosovo and is looking forward to working with the people in Kosovo to help build a brighter future and lasting peace for future generations. This is Neuman's third deployment to Kosovo. He was here in 2000 and again from 2006 to 2007.