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Family Programs News
Archive: 2010

Gulf state veterans may qualify for delayed mortgage payments
August 24, 2010

Rhode Island Guards hosts Operation Purple camp this week
August 23, 2010

Letters from Hollywood offer encouragement to servicemembers, families
August 16, 2010

Joint: The new 'buzz word' in family support
August 4, 2010

DoD officials stress importance of educating teachers about Guard children
August 4, 2010

Leaders say volunteers key to Guard's success
August 3, 2010
Army Maj. Gen. Raymond Carpenter, the acting director of the Army National Guard, right, and Air Force Gen. Craig R. McKinley, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, along with other Guard leaders answered questions from the audience during a panel discussion at the 2010 National Guard Volunteer Workshop in New Orleans Aug. 2, 2010. Over 1,000 Guard volunteers from the 54 states and territories are at the conference.

Supporting those who support military families
August 2, 2010
Alex Baird, chief of Family Programs, National Guard Bureau

Families key to suicide prevention in the National Guard
July 30, 2010

Minnesota expands family care initiative
July 29, 2010

Social media to bring workshop to family volunteers
July 28, 2010
Connie S. Douthat, Family Programs coordinator for the 122nd Fighter Wing of the Indiana Air National Guard, discusses support programs available to military personnel at a welcome home celebration held at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 31, 2010.