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Family Programs News
Archive: November, 2010

Handbook helps troops' families, friends
November 19, 2010

Louisiana Guardsmen, families spend night on USS KIDD
November 17, 2010
Over 100 service members, including 28 Army and Air National Guard families, participated in Louisiana National Guard Reintegration Office’s Child and Youth Program along with Louisiana Operation: Military Kids as they welcomed military families aboard the historic USS KIDD for an overnight camp in downtown Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 12-13, 2010.

Children of deployed more likely to seek mental health care
November 16, 2010

VA officials expand support for families of low-income veterans
November 16, 2010

Park Service offers free admission on Veteran's Day
November 9, 2010

STARBASE OK teaches kids all about sciences
November 9, 2010
A group of Wilson Elementary students get a lesson in engineering as part of STARBASE OK, an initiative funded by the Oklahoma Air National Guard at Fort Still, Okla., Oct. 27, 2010. The students donned hard hats to volunteer as Brad Carter, civil engineer, used simple exercises to explain engineering terms like compression, tension and deflection.

President proclaims November as Military Family Month
November 2, 2010
Seal of the President of the United States

Nomination season opens for 2011 Employer Support Freedom Award
November 2, 2010
Freedom Award online ad

Army pledges not to cut family programs
November 1, 2010
Secretary of the Army John McHugh discusses the challenges of operating in a constrained budget environment as well as efforts to modernize the Army at the 2010 Association of the United States Army's Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, D.C., Oct. 25, 2010.

Active, Guard, Reserve teams work together to help survivor families
November 1, 2010
Fort Jackson's Survivor Outreach Services Coordinator, Leslie Smith, left, goes over paperwork with South Carolina Army National Guard's Beth Carney, center, and the Army Reserve's Megan McCullough, right, during a recent meeting at the 81st Regional Support Command headquarters building on Fort Jackson, S.C.