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Family Programs News
Archive: April, 2010

Golf, life lessons available to Guard children
April 30, 2010

Guard kids are different, but programs still available to them
April 29, 2010
A soldier with 1st Squadron, 82nd Cavalry, 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the Oregon National Guard, holds his daughter before a demobilization ceremony following a year-long absence to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom at Vince Genna Stadium in Bend, Ore., April 18, 2010.

Ohio holds family readiness conference
April 27, 2010
Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Mann, Ohio National Guard historian, teaches children of military members the history of the War of 1812 dressed as a Soldier from the era April 9, 2010, during the Family Readiness Conference at the Columbus Marriott Northwest Hotel in Dublin, Ohio.

DoD recognizes best reserve component family programs
April 19, 2010
From left to right: Air Force Maj. Gen. Buddy Titshaw, special assistant to the director of the Air National Guard; Air Force Col. Penny Dieryck, the commander of the 148th Mission Support Group; Jennifer Kuhlman, the wing's Family Program manager; Minnesota Rep. Jim Oberstar; Dennis M. McCarthy, assistant secretary of defense For Reserve Affairs, and retired Vice Adm. Norb Ryan, Jr.

Wisconsin Guard leaders honor families at annual conference
April 14, 2010
Wisconsin National Guard members and their families participate in the "Dancing in the Kitchen" workshop at the 2010 Wisconsin National Guard Family Program Conference. This workshop is designed to help busy people lead healthier lives.

Happy Hooligan helps save son's life
April 13, 2010

Deployed troops bridge distance with technology
April 9, 2010

Pennsylvania TAG swears in son
April 1, 2010
Army Maj. Gen. Jessica Wright, the adjutant general of the Pennsylvania National Guard, recently swore her son Mike Wright into her ranks. Mike Wright, a Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet at King's College, was sworn into the Pennsylvania Army National Guard at a ceremony held at the Kingston Armory in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

National Guard mom semi-finalist for Military Motherhood Award
April 1, 2010
Alabama National Guard Sgt. Sophia I. Malone, human resource technician in G-1 (Human Resources), U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command is the only Alabama semi-finalist in Operation Homefront/Lockheed Martin's 2010 Military Motherhood Award.