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Family Programs News
Ambassador network launches to help military spouses find jobs
September 23, 2013
Department of Defense seal

Finances affect service members' readiness, official says
September 5, 2013
Department of Defense seal

New National Guard presentation targets bullying
August 14, 2013
"Nat Guard" visits with some new friends during the Kentucky National Guard/4-H Youth Camp in Nancy, Ky., July 17, 2013. The National Guard’s values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage provide the framework used in combatting bullying in American schools.

Financially fit: How to spot and avoid scams
July 29, 2013
Department of Defense seal

Program aids mental health care for transitioning troops
June 24, 2013
Logo of the inTransition program

Summer safety starts with you
June 18, 2013
Critical Days of Summer logo

Kids and money: It's (almost) never too early to teach them
May 17, 2013
Is it ever too early to teach your child about money?

National summit melds citizen-Soldier needs with civilian support
April 29, 2013
Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III talks to attendees of the National Research Summit on Reserve Component Military Families after his speech at the University of Michigan, April 25-26, 2013.

Military children express sacrifices through art and writing
April 4, 2013
This artwork by Mattie Steed, a fourth-grader from an Air Force family, is among nearly 50 illustrations, paintings and writings on display at the U.S. Education Department on April 3, 2013, in observance of the Month of the Military Child.

Pentagon official: April's a good time to spotlight money tips for kids
April 2, 2013
Department of Defense seal