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Canteen Catering Incorporated
April 23, 2008

Tennessee Army National Guard Mobile Emergency Response Team Advanced Debuts at Vigilant Guard 08
April 23, 2008

Millington Mayor Swaps Coat & Tie For Camouflage
April 23, 2008
Millington Mayor Terry Jones is among more than 200 players from the Tennessee State Guard participating in Operation Vigilant Guard 08. Jones serves as civilian-military affairs officer with the Tennessee State.

Senior Enlisted Leaders Conference: Army, Air Guard enlisted leaders seek common ground
April 22, 2008
New York Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Thomas McCauley, left, from the 109th Airlift Wing, presented Command Sgt. Maj. David Ray Hudson with a jet-assisted takeoff (JATO) bottle during the National Guard Bureau's first Senior Enlisted Leaders Conference in mid-April. Hudson, the Guard Bureau's senior enlisted leader, led the four-day conference for Army and Air Guard enlisted leaders in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. The Air Guard uses JATO bottles to give aircraft such as C-130 transports extra thrust during difficult takeoff situations.

Engineers clear away neighborhood flood waters
April 22, 2008
Two Soldiers from Detachment 1 of the 1221st Engineer Battalion (Route Clearance), a South Carolina National Guard unit from Batesburg, clear debris from a creek that during a training scenario has overflowed the banks in a Beaufort County community during the Vigilant Guard 2008 exercise. Vigilant Guard 2008 gave these soldiers an opportunity to accomplish a real-world mission in a training environment that resulted in a direct improvement for the community.

Media invitation to the largest preparedness exercise in South Carolina hosted by the National Guard (Updated)
April 22, 2008

877th Engineer Company practices high extraction techniques
April 22, 2008
Members of the 877th Engineer Company from Augusta, Georgia receive high-angle extraction rescue techniques at the Burton Township Fire Department in Beaufort County, South Carolina. Andy Lancaster, a member of the Response International Group team from Oklahoma City, is the exercise coordinator. This scenario, in support of the Vigilant Guard 2008 exercise, is being conducted from 21-24 April 2008 in Beaufort County, S.C. Army and Air National Guard personnel from South Carolina and various other states are conducting an earthquake response exercise in coordination with local, state, and federal emergency agencies.

Church helps soldiers during the 2008 Vigilant Guard exercise
April 22, 2008
Col. Gordon Johnson, of the S.C. Governor's Counter Drug Task Force, thanks Pasture Terry Wilder, of the Swansea First Baptist Church, Swansea, S.C., for the donation of a portable shower and laundry trailer for use by soldiers and airmen at the forward operating base facility during National Guard exercise Vigilant Guard, April 20, in Beaufort, S.C. Vigilant Guard is a three-day National Guard-hosted exercise in Beaufort County, beginning April 21. The exercise is designed to better prepare the National Guard for natural disasters in a cooperative effort with various national, state and local government agencies.

Partnership active for Vigilant Guard 2008
April 22, 2008

Vigilant Guard 2008 training helps Beaufort Memorial Hospital sharpen skills
April 22, 2008

Guard Civil Support Team Supports Shelby County Fire Department During Vigilant Guard 08
April 22, 2008

April 22, 2008
Pfc. Michael Becker, a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) specialist of the 230th Signal Company Tennessee Army National Guard, mans the Joint Incident Site Communications Capabilities (JISCC) main desk. The 230th has set up the JISCC in support of the Vigilant Guard exercise at the Mid-South Support Center, Millington. Becker, a Clarksville, Tenn. resident, keeps a visitors log, and answers the phone while helping servicemembers use the internet, or telephones in the JISCC.

West Tennessee Rocks...and the Guard Rolls; NG exercises a mock earthquake scenario
April 22, 2008

Local father, daughter support Vigilant Guard
April 22, 2008
James Colwell, the assistant fire chief for the city of Beaufort, S.C., and his daughter, Airman 1st Class Sarah Colwell of the 75th Security Forces Squadron, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, pose for a picture as two S.C. National Guard CH-47D Chinook helicopters drop off South Carolina Task Force One, urban search and rescue technicians, to support the National Guard's Vigilant Guard exercise taking place April 21 in Beaufort, S.C. The Vigilant Guard exercise here in S.C. involves 3,000 Guard members from across the country and hundreds of personnel throughout the host county of Beaufort, S.C., the S.C. Emergency Management Division and other military, government and non-government organizations.

NEADS ANG members return after deployment to Kyrgyzstan
April 21, 2008
Staff Sgt. Stephen Manley, a Northeast Air Defense Sector Security Force member returning from deployment, smiles at his daughter Morgan at the Syracuse International Airport March 14. In the unit's largest deployment ever, nearly 30 security force members deployed on a six-month tour to Manas Air Base, located in Kyrgyzstan, in September 2007.

Bosnia and Herzegovina emulates the National Guard
April 21, 2008
LTG H Steven Blum, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, on April 10, 2008, pauses to reflect at the Sarajevo street corner where on June 28, 1914, Gavrilo Princip assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, considered the event that precipitated World War I, resulting in about 20 million deaths. In the aftermath of the death of Marshall (Josip Broz) Tito and the collapse of the former Yugoslavia, the Balkans were again plunged into violence in the 1990s that was ended by NATO intervention. The National Guard has contributed to the Balkan peace enforcement mission for nearly a decade and in Sarajevo military leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina say they would like to use the National Guard as one of the models for their armed forces.

Air Guard EMEDS team breaks new ground in Vigilant Guard
April 21, 2008
Tech. Sgt. David Betts, of the 187th Medical Group, assembles an electrical distribution panel in a field hospital in preparation for the Vigilant Guard 2008 exercise on April 19, in Beaufort, S.C. The hospital will be used by the expeditionary medical support team (EMEDS) which will practice responding to natural disasters during the 3-day National Guard exercise in Beaufort County, S.C.

Soldiers from Denmark observe Vigilant Guard 2008
April 21, 2008
Pvt. Rene Andersen, a soldier in the Denmark Army, packs his gear during Vigilant Guard 2008, a disaster response training exercise based in Beaufort County, S.C. on April 18, 2008. Andersen and a contingent of 40 Danish soldiers are participating in the exercise as observers. Many of the Danes served alongside South Carolina National Guard Soldiers in 2007 in Afghanistan in support of the Global War on Terror.

Media invitation to the largest preparedness exercise in South Carolina hosted by the National Guard
April 21, 2008

Oklahoma City first responders teach search and rescue
April 21, 2008
Danny Atchley, a member of the RIG team from Oklahoma City, explains the design characteristics that when into the creation of this unique training site. It is the only one of it's kind in the entire southeast. Various training sites like this specially constructed "rubble pile" will become a common learning ground for civilian and military rescue and disaster response teams participating in the Vigilant Guard 2008 exercise from 21-24 March 2008 in Beaufort County, S.C. Army and Air National Guard personnel from South Carolina and numerous states will be conducting an earthquake response exercise in coordination with local and federal emergency agencies. This training site was designed by Response International Group from Oklahoma City. Their main focus is to train military and civilian emergency response teams on victim extraction from building collapses, natural disaster aftermath, etc.