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MO Guardsmen committed to Kosovo's Adopt-A-School program
December 23, 2008
Maj. Eddie Brown and Staff Sgt. Timothy Gibson, Task Force Falcon, sat children one-by-one on the tailgate and fitted the children's feet for the perfect shoe.

Massachusetts Guardsmen hailed as heroes
December 23, 2008
Maj. Gen. Joseph C. Carter, the adjutant general of the Massachusetts
National Guard, pins the Massachusetts Medal of Merit on Spc. Christopher
Brown II during a recent ceremony.

Peacekeeping training focuses less on combat, more on control, compliance
December 23, 2008
Army Pfc. Ji Chong, left, listens to an instructor while putting a submission hold on Army Pfc. Andrew Bituin during a nonlethal weapons training class at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center near Camp Atterbury, Ind. The training, designed to induce compliance and control rather than injury, is part of deployment training for Chong and Bituin's unit, 40th Infantry Division, which is scheduled to deploy to Kosovo.

AR lawyer sets bar high in Iraq
December 22, 2008
Army Col. Roy House, a rule of law advisor with the State Department's Baghdad Provincial Reconstruction Team, is presented the Bronze Star for his meritorious services while deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Virtual training for real world missions
December 22, 2008
Much like an IMAX, a 280 degree screen brings to life real world scenarios designed to put a four-person fire team made up of a driver, gunner, rifleman and troop commander through the paces of an actual convoy mission.

JRTC improves joint training for Guard's only Stryker brigade
December 22, 2008
A Stryker vehicle from the 56th SBCT, Pennsylvania National Guard moves out to conduct joint operations during JRTC rotation 09-02 at Ft. Polk, La.

U.S.- Ukrainian Militaries Work to Bring Regional Peace, Stability
December 22, 2008

Safety experts urge Guardmembers to drive defensively in the New Year
December 19, 2008

CNGB Holiday Message
December 19, 2008

National Guard details support to inauguration
December 19, 2008
Members of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment participate in a historic ceremony at the State House in Boston Nov. 21, 2008 to reorganize the famous 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The 54th is slated to carry that lineage to Washington D.C., as they participate in the inauguration parade for President-elect Barack Obama.

Army expands military funeral honors for Soldiers
December 18, 2008

EPME center named for first enlisted commandant
December 18, 2008
Air National Guard members Senior Master Sgt. Timothy J. Kumes, Master Sgt. Paul G. Rayman, and Tech. Sgt. Jeela S. Matthews perform a guidon exchange ceremony at The I. G. Brown Air National Guard Training and Education Center to signify the transition of the ANG EPME branch to its new name as the Paul H. Lankford Enlisted Professional Military Education Center December 16, 2008.

Guardsmen bring Christmas to the N.D. Veteran's Home
December 18, 2008
Senior Master Sgt. Paul Tangen, first sergeant for the 119th Wing, gives a Christmas gift to Roger Severson, a veteran of the Vietnam War, Dec. 10 at the North Dakota Veteran's Nursing Home in Lisbon, N.D. The gifts are given to veterans at the nursing home by the North Dakota Air and Army National Guard annually.

ND Air Guard cops deploy to missile fields for first time
December 18, 2008
From left to right in the front row, Staff Sgt. John F. Chalupa and Airman 1st Class Erik R. Foss, both of the North Dakota Air National Guard 219th Security Forces Squadron, stand in formation with their flight during guard mount. The Air National Guard members are standing side-by-side with their U.S. Air Force active duty 91st Missile Security Forces Squadron co-workers Dec. 18 at the Minot Air Force Base, Minot, N.D. The pair of airmen, in the 219th SFS, are the first Air National Guard members to dispatch into the missile fields at Minot AFB to help provide security in conjunction with their active duty counterparts.

Airmen, Iraqis forge relationships through pediatric care
December 18, 2008
Maj. (Dr.) Christopher Kieling listens to an Iraqi child's heart in the Air Force Theater Hospital's intensive care unit at Joint Base Balad, Iraq, Dec. 11. Kieling, a native of Anchorage, Alaska, is deployed from the Uniformed Services University of Health Services at Bethesda, Md.

Canada, Army Guard meet to build relationships
December 18, 2008
Canadian military police participate in the 24th annual Golden Coyote exercise in June. The exercise, hosted by the South Dakota National Guard, was held in the southern Black Hills of South Dakota. Canada was one of four foreign nations to train with the more than 4,000 U.S. servicemembers from 92 units representing 27 states. Training opportunities like this between the Guard and Canada are planned out at the Cross Border Working Group which was held at the Army National Guard Readiness Center, Arlington, Va., in December.

G-RAP celebrates third anniversary
December 18, 2008
Several of the leading recruiting assistants from each of the pilot states are recognized on Dec. 15 by Lt. Gen. Clyde Vaughn, director of the Army National Guard, for their outstanding recruiting in their respective states.

Surinamese visit focuses on PTSD treatment
December 18, 2008

Wisconsin-Nicaragua: A model for the state partnership program
December 18, 2008
Key officers of the Wisconsin National Guard pay a goodwill visit to Nicaragua, hosted by Nicaragua's Ejercito (defense force). Wisconsin has a longstanding sister-state relationship with Nicaragua, and the Wisconsin National Guard is paired with the Nicaraguan Ejercito in the National Guard State Partnership Program.

Seven states participate in Yama Sakura 55
December 17, 2008
CAMP ASAKA, JAPAN - Army Sgt. 1st Class Tony Bowling (left), first sergeant for Headquarters Company, 8th Theater Sustainment Command out of Fort Shafter, Hawaii, gets a lesson in the art of Calligraphy from Sgt. Maj. Kazuhiko Shimizu of the JGSDF's 104th General Support Battalion, Dec. 3, 2008, at the camp's Freedom Room. Bowling, who hails from Canton, Ill., is one of more than 1,000 American Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen participating in Yama Sakura 55, along with their counterparts from the Japanese ground, air and maritime services. Yama Sakura is a bilateral U.S.-Japan, computerized command post exercise designed to better the defense of Japan, and to protect each country's interests throughout East Asia.