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Tag: Alaska Air National Guard

Alaska Air National Guard rescues resident near Friday Creek
October 18, 2021
An Alaska Air National Guard HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter, assigned to the 210th Rescue Squadron, takes off from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, July 23, 2015. The 210th Rescue Squadron provides emergency rescue services for the citizens of Alaska in addition to training for wartime combat search and rescue missions.

Alaska Air National Guard Airmen help rescue 2 boaters
October 12, 2021
An Alaska Air National Guard HC-130J Combat King II operated by aircrew from the 211th Rescue Squadron, 176th Wing, over Malemute Drop Zone at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Aug. 18, 2021. The HC-130J Combat King II can perform personnel recovery operations, search-and-rescue and aerial helicopter refueling and forward area ground refueling missions.

Innovation nothing new to Fabrication Flight Arctic Guardian
October 7, 2021
Alaska Air National Guard Airman 1st Class Shawn McDermott, an aircraft metals technician with the 176th Maintenance Squadron Fabrication Flight, operates a consumer-grade 3D printer Sept. 28, 2021, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson’s Arctic Spark Innovation Lab. In the course of his regular duties, McDermott operates industrial-grade 3D printers to fabricate parts for 176th Wing’s aircraft.

Alaska Air National Guard Airmen rescue distressed woman
October 5, 2021
An Alaska Air National Guard HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter, assigned to the 210th Rescue Squadron, takes off from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, July 23, 2015. The 210th Rescue Squadron provides emergency rescue services for the citizens of Alaska in addition to training for wartime combat search and rescue missions.

176th Wing recognized for heroic rescue mission
September 29, 2021
Members of the Jolly Green Association present the Jolly Green Mission of the Year award to Maj. Rebecca Altenburg, 176th Wing, Sept. 11, 2021, at Fort Walton, Fla. Altenburg represented the wing as one of the many aviators, maintenance professionals and aircrew flight equipment Airmen during simultaneous rescue missions in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve.

Alaska Air National Guard rescues bear-mauling victim
September 10, 2021
An Alaska Air National Guard HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter and aircrew assigned to the 210th Rescue Squadron and pararescuemen from the 212th Rescue Squadron saved a distressed hiker on July 26, 2020, at Mount Williwaw east of Anchorage.

Alaska Air National Guard Airmen rescue injured hunter near Chicken
September 1, 2021
Pararescue personnel with the Alaska Air National Guard’s 210th Rescue Squadron used an HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter like this one in the search for 12 mountaineers stranded in poor weather on Klutlan Glacier southeast of Mt. Bona in Wrangell-St Elias National Park. The mountaineers were rescued June 1 after the 1st Battalion, 207th Aviation Regiment, dispatched an Alaska Army National Guard CH-47 Chinook with a paramedic from the 2nd Battalion, 211 Aviation Regiment.

National Guard helps with massive Afghanistan evacuation
August 25, 2021
Afghanistan evacuees arrive on a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft, crewed by Alaska Air National Guard members from the 144th Airlift Squadron, of the 176th Wing, and active-duty Airmen from the 517th Airlift Squadron, of the 3rd Wing, at Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait, Aug. 23, 2021. U.S. Air Force Airmen are assisting with evacuations of Americans and allied civilian personnel from Afghanistan.

Alaska Air Guard rescues survivors of 2 plane crashes
August 17, 2021
An HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter from the 210th Rescue Squadron takes off from the tundra after loading simulated casualties during exercise Arctic Chinook, near Kotzebue, Alaska, Aug. 24, 2016.

Alaska Air National Guard rescues hiker near Glacier Pass
August 9, 2021
The Alaska Air National Guard rescued a hiker in distress near Glacier Pass Aug. 6, 2021. The 176th Wing and Guardian Angel team on board hoisted the hiker to an HH60G Pave Hawk helicopter for transport to a hospital.

Alaska Air National Guard hoists injured hiker to safety
August 5, 2021
Pararescue personnel with the Alaska Air National Guard’s 210th Rescue Squadron used an HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter like this one in the search for 12 mountaineers stranded in poor weather on Klutlan Glacier southeast of Mt. Bona in Wrangell-St Elias National Park. The mountaineers were rescued June 1 after the 1st Battalion, 207th Aviation Regiment, dispatched an Alaska Army National Guard CH-47 Chinook with a paramedic from the 2nd Battalion, 211 Aviation Regiment.

Alaska National Guard medevacs injured plane crash victims
August 3, 2021
Alaska Air National Guard Capt. Matthew Soukup, a pilot with the 176th Wing’s 211th Rescue Squadron, searches for isolated flood survivors aboard an HC-130J Combat King II aircraft while assisting with hurricane relief operations in North Carolina, Sept. 17, 2018.

Alaska Air National Guard Airmen rescue injured hunter
July 23, 2021
HH-60G Pave Hawk aircrew of 210th Rescue Squadron simulate combat search-and-rescue tactics by locating and evacuating a simulated downed pilot in southcentral Alaska Jan. 21, 2021, as part of Operation Noble Defender. The exercise is a North American Air Defense Command Arctic air defense operation.

Alaska Air Guard rescues 2 people after crash landing
July 19, 2021
An HH-60G Pave Hawk from the 41st Rescue Squadron flies through the air during a rapid-rescue exercise, Nov. 3, 2016, near Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.

Alaska Air National Guard medevacs injured Army paratrooper
July 16, 2021
The Guardian Angel team of the 212th Rescue Squadron, 176th Wing, Alaska Air National Guard, provides airborne medical care for a U.S. Army Alaska paratrooper during medical evacuation July 14, 2021. The Soldier was injured in a static-line jump over Malamute Drop Zone on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

Alaska National Guard Airmen rescue injured mountain biker
July 15, 2021
HH-60G Pave Hawk aircrew of 210th Rescue Squadron simulate combat search-and-rescue tactics by locating and evacuating a simulated downed pilot in southcentral Alaska Jan. 21, 2021, as part of Operation Noble Defender. The exercise is a North American Air Defense Command Arctic air defense operation.

Alaska Air Guard rescues 7 people in separate incidents
July 6, 2021
Pararescue personnel with the Alaska Air National Guard’s 210th Rescue Squadron used an HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter like this one in the search for 12 mountaineers stranded in poor weather on Klutlan Glacier southeast of Mt. Bona in Wrangell-St Elias National Park. The mountaineers were rescued June 1 after the 1st Battalion, 207th Aviation Regiment, dispatched an Alaska Army National Guard CH-47 Chinook with a paramedic from the 2nd Battalion, 211 Aviation Regiment.

Musher thanks Arctic Guardians for Iditarod rescue
July 1, 2021
Alaska Air National Guardsmen of 210th Rescue Squadron, Tech. Sgt. Anthony Guedea (left) and Lt. Col. Michael Jordan meet with Iditarod musher Aliy Zirkle June 28, 2021, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. Guedea and Jordan were part of the team that rescued Zirkle March 9 at the Iditarod Rohn checkpoint after she suffered a head injury.

Alaska Air Guardsmen build homes for Cherokee veterans
June 10, 2021
Alaska Air National Guardsmen with the 176th Civil Engineer Squadron stand alongside Brig. Gen. Anthony Stratton, 176th Wing commander, as they near the end of their participation in the Cherokee Veterans Housing Initiative in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, May 27, 2021. The initiative is a collaboration between the Department of Defense’s Innovative Readiness Training program and the Cherokee Nation to build new single-family homes and supporting infrastructure for eligible Cherokee Nation veterans and their families.

Alaska Air National Guardsman excels in marksmanship
June 8, 2021
Alaska Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Matthew Larson, a security forces member with the 268th Security Forces Squadron, poses for a photo after the annual Adjutant General Match, May 16, 2021. Larson took first place in the open rifle marksmanship competition, was added to the state team to compete in the regional competition, and was awarded the Governor's Twenty tab, which is generally awarded to the top 20 marksmen in the state.