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Tag: Kentucky National Guard

Kentucky Guard builds COVID-19 alternate care facility
April 16, 2020
Capt. Jason Selby of the Kentucky Air National Guard’s 123rd Civil Engineer Squadron sets up hospital beds and clinical space at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center in Louisville, Ky., April 13, 2020. The alternate care facility can treat up to 288 patients recovering from COVID-19.

Kentucky Guard supports first state drive-thru testing site
April 14, 2020
Soldiers of the 63rd Theater Aviation Brigade, Kentucky National Guard, help direct traffic detail at Kentucky's first COVID-19 testing site at Lakeview Park in Frankfort Apr. 1, 2020.

Kentucky National Guard answers the call in COVID-19 response
April 3, 2020
Kentucky National Guard Soldiers and Airmen augment the COVID-19 Call Center to manage data collection and case management March 31, 2020.

National Guard mechanics host Ecuadorians in SPP
October 1, 2019
Ecuadorian soldiers visit the CSMS shop in Richmond, Ky., as part of the State Partnership Program Sept. 18, 2019.

Kentucky signal Soldiers put 24-hour response package to test
March 26, 2014
Chief Warrant Officer Scott Goode, front,and Sgt. Joshua Atonovich with the 63rd Theater Aviation Brigade installs an antenna to the unit's mobile communication system during a signal exercise in Pensacola, Fla., March 8, 2014. The exercise brought various units of Task Force 46, a Michigan National Guard command, together to validate communication systems and response.