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Tag: President Martin Van Buren

New York Air National Guard Honors President Martin Van Buren
December 6, 2024
New York Air National Guard Brigadier General Gary Charlton and Command Chief Master Sergeant Michael Hewson salute  after the placing a wreath from the White House during the annual wreath laying ceremony marking the birthday of President Martin Van Buren in Kinderhook, New York, on Dec. 5, 2024.

New York Air Guard Honors Former President Martin Van Buren
December 6, 2022
Brig. General Denise Donnell, the commander of the New York Air National Guard, and Command Chief Master Sgt. Jeffery Trottier salute after placing a wreath from President Joseph Biden at the grave of former President Martin Van Buren in Kinderhook, New York, on the 240th anniversary of his birth Dec. 5, 1782. Since 1967, military officers have presented a wreath from the current president at the gravesite of previous presidents on the anniversary of their birth.