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Tag: Wisconsin Air National Guard

Wisconsin Air Guard unit deploying for Inherent Resolve
April 6, 2022
Chief Master Sgt. Meredith Conn, the Wisconsin Air National Guard’s state command chief, addresses about 90 members of the 128th Air Control Squadron during a formal send-off ceremony March 29, 2022, at Volk Field Combat Readiness Training Center. The squadron will deploy for six months in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and the Combined Defense of the Arabian Peninsula, providing air surveillance, aircraft tracking and overall command and control of coalition tactical aircraft operations.

Barnestormers complete joint aircraft recovery training
April 4, 2022
Nearly 50 Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve members from the 104th Fighter Wing, 158th Fighter Wing and 439th Air Mobility Wing completed a joint hands-on Crash, Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery training at Barnes Air National Guard base, Massachusetts, April 3, 2022.

115th SFS trains on jungle, water survival skills in Hawaii
February 4, 2022
Wisconsin National Guard Airmen assigned to the 115th Fighter Wing Security Forces Squadron in Madison, Wisconsin, participate in water survival training off Honolulu Jan. 12, 2022. Forming a chain and counting off one-by-one ensured all members were accounted for before they swam together to a nearby life-raft.

Wisconsin ANG enhances program to help future leaders
December 1, 2021
U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Maurice L. Williams, the command chief master sergeant of the Air National Guard, addresses Wisconsin Air National Guardsmen Nov. 4, 2021, during the State Enlisted Development Course at Volk Field Air National Guard Base, Wisconsin. The week-long course provides noncommissioned officers with knowledge and advice on how to be a successful Air Force leader.

National Guard supports vulnerable Afghans at military bases
August 31, 2021
U.S. Army Cpl. Sean Jackett, left, and Spc. Zackary Jensen, Wisconsin Army National Guard linguists, create signs in Dari and Pashto Aug. 25, 2021, to place in a welcome area for Afghans arriving at Volk Field Combat Readiness Training Center near Camp Douglas, Wisconsin. The Department of Defense, through U.S. Northern Command and in support of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security, is providing transportation, temporary housing, medical screening and general support for up to 50,000 Afghan evacuees.

Ammo Rodeo on target with creative, mission-focused training
August 6, 2021
Airmen compete in the annual Ammo Rodeo, a two-week munitions training competition at Volk Field in Wisconsin July 28, 2021. About 50 U.S. Air Force Guard and Reserve members from units all over the country spent a week doing classroom work before competing in the bomb-building event.

Northern Thaw exercise concludes at Volk Field
April 15, 2021
An F-35A assigned to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, takes off for an exercise during Northern Thaw at Volk Field Air National Guard Base, Wisconsin, April 1, 2021.The two-week Northern Thaw exercise was a total force exercise providing tailored, cost-effective, tactical level, high-end combat training.

Wisconsin MSG is ANG’s Outstanding First Sergeant of 2020
August 20, 2020
U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Chad Martin, right, vehicle maintenance specialist for the 115th Fighter Wing Logistics Readiness Squadron, explains unit preventative maintenance measures to 115th LRS first sergeant Master Sgt. Chontelle Southworth, left, at Truax Field in Madison, Wis., July 7, 2020. Southworth was recognized as the 2020 Air National Guard First Sergeant of the Year for her outstanding leadership and dedication.

Pilots maintain flying hours during pandemic
April 9, 2020
An F-16 Fighting Falcon from the 115th Fighter Wing, Wisconsin Air National Guard, takes off at Dane County Regional Airport, Madison, Wisconsin, April 7, 2020. The jet took off as part of a practice scramble for the Aerospace Control Alert mission.