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Tag: Pennsylvania National Guard

Pa. Guard, Lithuanians train together in platoon exchange
September 22, 2021
Lithuanian Soldiers rush to treat simulated casualties Sept. 10 at the Medical Battalion Training Site (MBTS) at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. Thirty-three Soldiers from Lithuania’s land forces reserve component came to Fort Indiantown Gap Sept. 6-17 for an annual platoon exchange, part of the Pennsylvania National Guard’s State Partnership Program.

Arkansas, North Dakota Guardsmen win rifle, pistol competition
September 13, 2021
Staff Sgt. James Dansie, Utah National Guard, fires his pistol Sept. 2, 2021, during the General George Patton Combat Pistol match of the 50th Winston P. Wilson and the 30th Armed Forces Skill at Arms Championships, hosted by the National Guard Marksmanship Training Center, held at the Robinson Joint Maneuver Training Center, North Little Rock, Ark.

Hokanson: Names in bronze one of the reasons the National Guard keeps our promise to be Always Ready, Always There
September 10, 2021
Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson, chief, National Guard Bureau, places a flag and pauses to remember U.S. Military Academy classmate Douglas Gurian, among the almost 3,000 names engraved in the 9/11 Memorial. “It was an attack on our nation, and deeply personal to so many of us,” Hokanson said. The National Guard transformed from a strategic reserve to an operational force after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. This image was acquired using a cellular device.

Pennsylvania Guard responded in force on 9/11
September 10, 2021
Left to right, Maj. Gen. William Lynch, Pennsylvania National Guard adjutant general; Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge; and Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Paul Evanko leave a CH-47 Chinook helicopter from the Pennsylvania National Guard's Company G, 104th Aviation Regiment, at the Flight 93 crash site in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, Sept. 11, 2001. (Photo by Terry Way/Commonwealth Media Services)

National Guard members reflect on 9/11 experiences
September 10, 2021
A graphic illustration of the World Trade Center Twin Towers coming out of the Pentagon with a keystone on the bottom. The towers’ gradient from blue to red symbolizes the lives lost on 9/11. As the nation commemorates the tragic day 20 years ago, National Guard members and retirees reflect on their experiences, and how the day’s events changed the course of the Guard.

RED HORSE Ready! 111th squadron always set to ‘saddle up’
September 8, 2021
Members of the 201st Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers, or REDHORSE, Detachment 1, pose for a picture at Biddle Air National Guard Base in Horsham, Pennsylvania, May 15, 2021. This is the first official group photo of the 201st REDHORSE Det. 1 in the Operational Camouflage Pattern, or OCP, utility uniform on base since they returned from their recent deployment overseas.

Pennsylvania Airmen serve nearly 5,000 meals in IRT project
August 13, 2021
Air and Army National Guardsmen from Pennsylvania and New Hampshire planned, ordered, prepared and served nearly 5,000 meals to more than 200 military service members participating in the Central Delaware Partnership for Hope, an Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) project where service members offered no-cost health care to members of the Dover community in August 2021.

Guardsman sets records at CMP National Trophy Rifle Matches
August 9, 2021
Master Sgt. Greg Neiderhiser, Pennsylvania National Guard, had a perfect shot during the Hearst Doubles Match at the 2021 CMP National Trophy Rifle matches Aug. 4, 2021, in his final event as an All Guard member.

EAATS receives new Black Hawk variant
July 28, 2021
A UH-60V Black Hawk helicopter is secured after being flown to Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa., on July 27, 2021.

Pennsylvania National Guard vaccination mission ends
July 1, 2021
Spc. Christopher Valencia, combat medical specialist with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 112 Infantry Regiment administers a COVID-19 vaccine to Romero Sergio at the Esperanza Community Vaccination Center in Philadelphia on May 17, 2021.

Pennsylvania helicopter crews practice using water buckets
May 26, 2021
One CH-47 Chinook and two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters conduct water bucket firefighter training May 11, 2021, at Memorial Lake State Park and Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania National Guard crews take water from Memorial Lake and drop it in Fort Indiantown Gap’s training corridor.

Pennsylvania-California military ties date back to Civil War
May 11, 2021
U.S. Soldiers with the California National Guard's 40th Combat Aviation Brigade are taking over the aviation mission in the Middle East from the Pennsylvania National Guard's 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, taking part in Pennsylvania-California military cooperation that has been going on since the Civil War.

108th MCAS medics provide support at Lithuanian base
May 10, 2021
Sgt. Bradley Taylor, center, a medic with the Pennsylvania National Guard's 108th Medical Company Area Support, with two Lithuanian Army Soldiers on a Lithuanian Army base in Marijampole, Lithuania, where Taylor is providing medical support to U.S and Lithuanian troops. The 108th MCAS deployed to Europe in late February to provide medical support to U.S. and allied rotational forces in the region.

Pennsylvania Guard medic administers vaccine to father
April 28, 2021
Spc. Mariah Redwood, a combat medic assigned to Company C, 328th Brigade Support Battalion, 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, following an interview April 15, 2021, in Lancaster, Pa. Redwood administered the COVID-19 vaccine to her father.

Hundreds of Pennsylvania Guard members support vaccinations
April 16, 2021
Spc. Adom Yaa, a combat medic with the 103rd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, vaccinates Brittany Gill April 14, 2021, in Lancaster, Pa. Hundreds of members of the Pennsylvania National Guard are supporting vaccination centers across the commonwealth. U.S. Northern Command, through U.S. Army North, remain committed to providing continued, flexible Department of Defense support to local agencies as part of the whole-of-government response to COVID-19.

Deployed couple withstands challenges with 3-year-old home
April 2, 2021
Cpl. Ashley Hibbler, left, and Spc. Kyle Hibbler, deployed with Delta Company, 2-104th General Support Aviation Battalion, 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, video chat with their 3-year-old son Landon from an airfield in the 28th ECAB’s area of operations in the Middle East.

15 years later, pilots reunite for Mideast flight mission
March 18, 2021
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Rich Adams and 1st Lt. Ernie Carlson flew 1500 hours-worth of combat missions in an AH-64 Apache helicopter during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2006. Fifteen years later, now Chief Warrant Officer 5 Adams and Maj. Carlson flew a mission together back in the Middle East serving with the 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade.

Pa. National Guard supports Philadelphia vaccination center
March 17, 2021
Pennsylvania National Guard Airman 1st Class Mackenzie Taylor registers a community member for a COVID-19 vaccine at the state-run, federally supported Center City Community Vaccination Center in the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia March 17, 2021. Over 40 Soldiers and Airmen from the Pennsylvania National Guard are supporting the Department of Defense federal vaccine response operations.

National Guard units supporting Capitol mission return home
March 17, 2021
A Soldier supporting the Capitol Response mission in Washington, D.C., out-processes at the District of Columbia Armory March 12, 2021. Soldiers in the nation's capital are redeploying to their home states, with about 2,000 Guard members asked to continue to assist federal law enforcement with security, communications, medical evacuation, logistics, and safety through mid-May.

Pa. National Guard supports vaccination clinics for teachers
March 15, 2021
Spc. Gary Sowash, a combat medic with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2/112th Infantry Regiment, Pennsylvania National Guard, administers a COVID-19 vaccine in Lancaster, Pa., March 12, 2021. Nearly 90 Pennsylvania National Guard members are supporting COVID-19 vaccination clinics for teachers and school staffs at seven sites across Pennsylvania.