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Tag: Vietnam War

Kentucky Guardsman Helps Recover Missing Aircrew in Vietnam
December 23, 2024
Master Sgt. Dustin Turner, right, an explosive ordnance disposal technician assigned to the Kentucky Air National Guard’s 123rd Civil Engineer Squadron, examines soil for osseous material in a rice paddy in Quang Binh Province, Vietnam, in June 2023. Turner was part of a U.S.-led team that recovered the remains of two U.S. Marine pilots who were lost in combat over Vietnam in December 1972.

NY Guard Soldier Designs Korea, Vietnam Commemorative Medals
August 12, 2024
Staff Sgt. Lauren Hicks with her final sketches of the New York State Korean War Commemorative Medal, right, and the New York State Vietnam War Commemorative Medal.

National Guard Chief Presents Silver Star to Vietnam Veteran
March 8, 2024
Gen. Daniel Hokanson, left, chief of the National Guard Bureau, presents retired Army Capt. Larry Liss with a Silver Star citation during a ceremony March 5, 2024, at Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne, Pa. Liss received the medal, an upgrade from a Distinguished Flying Cross, for rescuing more than 80 U.S. and South Vietnamese soldiers during the Vietnam War.

Veterans reflect on service during National Capital Region tour
November 11, 2021
Peter Jones, a retired U.S. Army Soldier from Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and Michael Downey, a tour group volunteer, view the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C., Nov. 4, 2021. Jones, who served in Vietnam from 1968-1969, was in the Army and Iowa Army National Guard and was part of a group of veterans from Illinois and Iowa who visited the nation’s capital.

NY Air Guard members recall Vietnam battles at reunion
October 3, 2019
Vietnam veterans and 107th Attack Wing leadership pose for a group photograph in front of a static F-100 Super Sabre after a base tour of the 107th Attack Wing, New York Air National Guard, Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, Sept. 15, 2019. Former Airmen assigned to the 107th Tactical Fighter Group reunited to commemorate their return from the Vietnam War more than 50 years ago. The unit deployed more than 400 Airmen to Tuy Hoa Air Base in 1968 and returned by June 1969, with honor.