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Tag: State Partnership Program

Alaska Guard, Mongolia Conduct Cybersecurity Exchange
January 16, 2025
Chief Master Sgt. Brandy Thanos, Master Sgt. Bjorn Nielson, Tech Sgt. James Gilchrest, and Staff Sgt. Steven Laszloffy of the Alaska Air National Guard pose for a photo with their cyber defense counterparts in Mongolia while discussing cyber defense training and information exchange opportunities. The Alaska National Guard and Mongolia are State Partnership Program partners.

Guardsman Follows Father in State Partnership Program
December 23, 2024
Left: Maj. William Johnston presents a gift during a subject matter exchange with the Royal Army of Thailand in March 2010 when he was the director of the Washington National Guard State Partnership Program. His son, right, Sgt. William Johnston, a crew chief with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 168th General Support Aviation, with an Aviation soldier from 9th Battalion, Royal Thai Army during an exchange Dec. 2, 2024, in Lop Buri, Thailand.

New York National Guard Members Train with Swedish Partners
December 19, 2024
New York National Guard members pose for a group photo during a Winter Training Planners Course at the Swedish Armed Forces Subarctic Warfare Center in Boden, Sweden, Nov. 26, 2024. The week-long training included classroom briefings and hands-on training in cold weather as part of the New York National Guard’s State Partnership Program partnership with Sweden.

Washington Guard, Royal Thai Army Complete Expert Exchange
December 19, 2024
Sgt. Tony Ramirez, crew chief, 1st Battalion, 168th General Support Aviation, talks about the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter with soldiers from the 9th Battalion, Royal Thai Army during an aviation subject matter exchange in Lop Buri, Thailand, Dec. 2, 2024. The Washington National Guard and Thailand are State Partnership Program partners.

Washington Guard Engages with Thai and Malaysian Partners
December 12, 2024
Senior Washington National Guard enlisted leaders participating in the State Partnership Program talk with students at the Noncommissioned Officer School, Hua Hin, Thailand, Dec. 3, 2024.

Michigan Guard Partner Liberia Starts NCO Pilot Course
December 10, 2024
U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Ravindra Wagh, assistant adjutant general of the Michigan National Guard, with Capt. John Willie, Liberian Coast Guard commander, at Liberian Coast Guard Headquarters, Bushrod Island, Liberia, Dec. 2, 2024. Michigan and Liberia have partnered for 15 years under the Department of Defense National Guard Bureau State Partnership Program.

Swedish Army Chief Visits New York Army Guard Exercise
November 27, 2024
U.S. Army Lt. Col. Elsa Canales, support operations officer for the 369th Sustainment Brigade, New York National Guard, speaks with members of the Swedish military as she gives them a tour of the 42nd Infantry Division’s command post exercise operations at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa., Nov. 21, 2024.  The New York National Guard and Sweden entered into an official partnership as part of the National Guard’s State Partnership Program in July, focusing on shared values and training to build relationships and capabilities for both military forces.

Michigan Guard, Sierra Leone Develop New Partnership
November 26, 2024
U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Derek Smith, 177th Regional Training Institute, Michigan National Guard; U.S. Air Force Capt. Andrew Layton, bilateral affairs officer, Michigan National Guard; and U.S. Army Master Sgt. Daniel Blaser, chief instructor, 177 RTI, with instructor cadre members at the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces Training Center, Benguema, Sierra Leone, Nov. 19, 2024. The Michigan National Guard and the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces signed an agreement Sept. 12 to become partners under the State Partnership Program.

Sweden Makes State Partnership Visit to 106th Rescue Wing
November 22, 2024
U.S. Air Force Col. Jeffrey Cannet, 106th Rescue Wing commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Edward Rittberg, 106th command chief, receive a plaque from Swedish Lt. Col. Sebastien Blixte, a Swedish Air Force Ranger and chief of operations for Blekinge Wing, Sweden, at Francis S. Gabreski Air National Guard Base, Westhampton Beach, N.Y., Nov. 19, 2024. It was the initial key leader engagement for State Partnership Program partners Sweden and the New York National Guard.

Michigan Guard, Latvia Commemorate Latvia’s Independence
November 21, 2024
Michigan National Guard members joined Latvian Armed Forces and military members from over 12 allied nations to celebrate Latvia's 106th Independence Day Nov. 18, 2024. The event highlighted the enduring partnership between Latvia and Michigan under the State Partnership Program.

National Guard a Force Multiplier in Indo-Pacific
November 19, 2024
Gen. Ronald P. Clark, U.S. Army Pacific commanding general,  and senior leaders pose for a photo during the Quarterly National Guard Commanders Update Brief at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, Nov. 14, 2024. The NG CUB allows states with State Partnership Program relationships to inform the USARPAC commander on their operations in the Pacific Theater.

West Virginia, Gabon Begin State Partnership
November 18, 2024
U.S. Ambassador Vernell Trim FitzPatrick poses for a photo with West Virginia National Guard and state government representatives at the U.S. Embassy in Libreville, Gabon, Nov. 18, 2024. The U.S. Embassy briefed the group during an inaugural key leader engagement in the State Partnership Program relationship between West Virginia and the Gabonese Republic.

New York Air Guard Woman Excels at South Africa Competition
November 18, 2024
The four top-scoring members of the New York National Guard women’s team pose with their medals and a trophy at the South African National Defence Force Military Skills Competition in Potchefstroom, South Africa, Nov. 2, 2024. From left, Air National Guard Senior Airman Alexa Reeves, Senior Airman Jayla Decicco, Senior Airman Vincenza Costanzo and Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Stacey Hart.

Indiana, Oklahoma Guard, Saudi Arabia Announce Partnership
November 18, 2024
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, center, and Maj. Gen. Dale Lyles, Indiana National Guard adjutant general, met with the Minister of Defense for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Khalid bin Salman, right, Nov. 18, 2024, to discuss shared interests and how the partnership will benefit the National Guard and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Pennsylvania Guard Soldiers Participate in Lithuania Exercise
November 15, 2024
U.S. Army Spc. Ray Ortiz, an infantryman assigned to 1st Battalion, 109th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, defends his post during exercise Strong Griffin at Pabrade Training Area, Lithuania, Oct. 27, 2024. Soldiers spent their two-week annual training period augmenting the 1st Cavalry Division forces participating in Strong Griffin — a Lithuanian-led NATO field exercise focused on training Lithuanian forces and enhancing interoperability with partner nation units.

North Carolina Guard Chaplains Train with Malawi Counterparts
November 13, 2024
Left to right, North Carolina National Guard State Chaplain Col. Jonathan Heitman, Col. Pastor Noah Tsoka, Malawi Defense Force chief of chaplains, and Col. Alwynmichael Albano, U.S. Southern European Task Force, Africa command chaplain, meet before chapel services at Kamuzu Barracks, Lilongwe, Malawi, Aug. 11, 2024. The military-to-military exchange marked an initial visit as both teams prepared to collaborate on establishing a chaplaincy school for the MDF.

US, Morocco Military Strengthen Partnerships in Marrakech
November 5, 2024
Four Utah Air National Guard KC-135R Stratotanker aircraft sit on the flight line at Roland R. Wright Air National Guard Base during a unit training assembly  Dec. 3, 2016. The KC-135 Stratotanker provides the core aerial refueling capability for the U.S. Air Force.

Illinois, Ohio Guard Teams Survey Polish Bases with USAFE
November 5, 2024
U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Jaron Bridges, 126th Logistics Readiness Squadron, points to pallets stacked up at the 8th Airlift Base, Krakow, Poland, Oct. 21, 2024. The 126th LRS was in Poland as part of an expeditionary site survey of Polish bases to assess their capabilities and runway strength for use by U.S., allied and partner forces.

Guam Guard Holds Inaugural State Partnership Event in Palau
October 31, 2024
Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr., center, meets with Guam Lt. Gov. Joshua Tenorio and members of the Guam National Guard in Koror, Palau, Oct. 29, 2024. The Guam National Guard and Palau held their inaugural State Partnership Program event in Palau, sharing best practices in emergency management and planning, communications, disaster response, and more.

New York Army Guard Chaplains Attend South Africa Symposium
October 30, 2024
The South African National Defence Force Chaplain General, Brigadier Gen. E.T. Maswe, left, and South African Defence Minister A. M. Motshekga, pose with New York Army National Guard chaplains Col. Douglas Brock and Lt. Col. Timothy Miller during the South African military’s annual chaplains symposium outside Cape Town, South Africa, in October 2024. Brock and Miller represented the United States at the meeting of 200 South African military chaplains.