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Tag: Northern Edge Alaska 2007

Stressed to the Seams, Alaska Shield still holds its Northern Edge
May 16, 2007

Simulated terrorist threat trains military, civilian agencies
May 15, 2007
Members of the National Guard's civil support team board the USNS Henry J. Kaiser in biohazard suits here May 11 to investigate a simulated report of suspicious chemicals aboard during an exercise scenario for Alaska Shield/Northern Edge 2007. The civil support team worked in conjunction with the Seward police and fire departments, the Coast Guard, the FBI, and many other organizations to practice interagency coordination in an emergency situation. AKS/NE 07 is a State of Alaska/US NORTHCOM sponsored homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities exercise; part of the national-level Ardent Sentry/Northern Edge 07.

Northern Edge Combined Training Exercise
May 9, 2007

You Can Sleep Uninterrupted...
May 7, 2007

Generals Campbell and Fraser Announce Alaska Shield Northern Edge 2007
April 12, 2007