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Tag: Wisconsin National Guard

Wisconsin Guard conducting mobile testing around state
May 12, 2020
Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers and Airmen work at a mobile testing site at the Resch Center in Green Bay May 5, 2020. Twenty-five Wisconsin National Guard specimen collection teams are supporting communities across Wisconsin to increase the state's COVID-19 testing capacity.

Wisconsin aviator’s training innovation gaining attention
May 8, 2020
1st Lt. Nick Sinopoli, a pilot with the Wisconsin Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 147th Aviation Regiment, wearing a visor he created that can shift from clear to obscured to help pilots learn to transition from visual to instrumental flying when visibility outside the aircraft is suddenly limited.

115th Fighter Wing team assists with mortuary operations
May 7, 2020
Master Sgt. Steven Ulrich instructs Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers and Airmen on mortuary affairs support in Whitewater, Wisconsin, April 8, 2020. Approximately 20 members of the Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers were trained to assist civilian mortuaries in response to COVID-19.

Wisconsin National Guard helps expand COVID-19 testing
May 6, 2020
Three Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers and Airmen and one local medical professional help facilitate mobile testing in Buffalo County, Wisconsin, May 1, 2020.

NJ Guard, active-duty troops set up COVID-19 ops center
May 6, 2020
U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Timothy Jardinico works in the New Jersey National Guard’s Joint Operations Center in the Homeland Security Center of Excellence, Lawrenceville, N.J., April 22, 2020. New Jersey Soldiers and Airmen, as well as active duty Air Force and Coast Guard members and civilians from U.S. Northern Command are working together in the center to support the state’s response efforts to COVID-19.

Wisconsin Guard conducts mobile testing around state
May 5, 2020
Wisconsin National Guard members prepare to collect a specimen from a member of the community in Alma May 1, 2020. Nearly a dozen Wisconsin National Guard teams are supporting specimen collection missions at mobile COVID-19 testing sites around Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Guard conducting mobile testing around state
April 30, 2020
Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers and Airmen talk with a staff member of the Orchard Manor long-term care facility in Lancaster April 25, 2020, about the importance of safely collecting specimens to test residents and staff  for COVID-19.

Wisconsin National Guard helping at alternate care facility
April 27, 2020
Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers unload equipment at an alternate care facility in Milwaukee April 20, 2020. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers constructed the facility at Wisconsin State Fair Park and state and local officials are coordinating resources to staff and support the facility.

Joint Operations Center coordinates NJ COVID-19 response
April 27, 2020
U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Kimberly Kaminski, with the 108th Wing, in the New Jersey National Guard’s Joint Operations Center in the Homeland Security Center of Excellence, Lawrenceville, N.J., April 22, 2020. New Jersey Soldiers and Airmen and active duty military members and civilians from U.S. Northern Command are working together in the center to support the state’s response efforts to COVID-19.

Wisconsin Guard team testing inmates, staff at county prison
April 20, 2020
Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are briefed before testing staff and residents at Sunny Ridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Sheboygan, Wis., April 5, 2020.

Wisconsin National Guard provides poll workers statewide
April 8, 2020
2nd Lt. Ben Marinin, an intelligence officer with Company D, 173rd Brigade Engineer Battalion, processes absentee ballots in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, April 7, 2020. More than 2,400 Citizen-Soldiers and Airmen were mobilized to state active duty to assist as poll workers in state elections.

Wisconsin Guard testing elderly at Sheboygan living facility
April 6, 2020
Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are briefed before testing the staff and residents at Sunny Ridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Sheboygan, Wis., April 5, 2020. More than 300 Wisconsin National Guard troops are mobilized in the COVID-19 response.

Wisconsin Guard medic team helps at senior living facility
March 23, 2020
Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers and Airmen in their personal protective equipment at a senior living facility in Grafton, Wis., where six Guard medics are augmenting the staff. Wisconsin National Guard medics were dispatched to the senior living facility March 21 to temporarily alleviate a staffing shortfall due to confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the facility.

Wisconsin National Guard ready to support state
March 20, 2020
Brig. Gen. Joane Mathews, Wisconsin’s deputy adjutant general for Army, speaks March 12, 2020, to troops mobilizing for state active duty in response to the Wisconsin Department of Health Service’s request for assistance. Approximately 300 troops have been mobilized to state active duty to posture the Guard for state support if needed.