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Archive: 2020

Soldier perseveres in Guard and her own dentistry practice
October 15, 2020
Kentucky National Guard Maj. Mitisha Martin poses Aug. 20, 2020, in Poland with the 1163rd Area Support Medical Company’s motto: “Whatever it takes.”

Oregon Guardsman donates supplies to Kosovo school
October 13, 2020
Maj. Chad Plaisted, with the Oregon Army National Guard 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team, delivers donated supplies to an underserved primary school Oct. 6, 2020, in Bivolak/Bivoljak, Kosovo. Plaisted and other 41st IBCT Soldiers have been deployed in Kosovo since the beginning of 2020 as members of the U.S.-led brigade level KFOR Regional-Command East.

Soldier's civilian experience helps save K-9
October 9, 2020
Bailey, a military working dog, rests with Soldiers with the 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade after suffering cardiac arrest. Treatment and a medevac provided by 28th ECAB medics and aircrews helped save Bailey's life.

Belizean upbringing shaped 100th MDB Soldier’s life
October 9, 2020
Army Sgt. 1st Class Denise Ronneburg, the supply sergeant for the 100th Missile Defense Brigade, outside the 100th Missile Defense Brigade headquarters in Colorado Springs Sept. 15, 2020. Ronneburg hails from Orange Walk Town, Belize, and is part of a growing Hispanic population within the Army.

WADS Airman supports food banks, jobless, wildfire response
October 7, 2020
Senior Airman Payton Chiou, 225th Support Squadron, Western Air Defense Sector, helps the Washington State Department of Natural Resources fight wildfires near Inchelium, Washington, Sept. 16, 2020. The 15-person Air National Guard crew spent more than 10 days fighting fires in eastern Washington.

Flying in their father's footsteps
September 30, 2020
U.S. Air National Guard Lt. Col. Scott Notestine, a pilot with the 166th Air Refueling Squadron, 121st Air Refueling Wing, and Staff Sgt. Cody Notestine and Staff Sgt. Nick Notestine, aircraft metals technology specialists with the 121st Maintenance Squadron, 121st ARW, in front of a KC-135 Stratotanker on the flight line at Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base, Columbus, Ohio, Sep. 28, 2020. Lt. Col. Notestine retires Sep. 30 after 35 years of service, and his sons were recently selected to become pilots in the 121st ARW.

Idaho senior enlisted leader is a horseman and a Guardsman
September 30, 2020
Chief Master Sgt. Harold Bongiovi sees a lot of similarities between working with horses and working with the Soldiers and Airmen he oversees as the Idaho National Guard’s senior enlisted leader.

Army Guard command CWO reflects on 2 years in the position
September 23, 2020
Army Chief Warrant Officer 5 Teresa A. Domeier, right, the command chief warrant officer of the Army National Guard, receives a briefing on the capabilities of the UH-72 Lakota helicopter from Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Jeff Caniglia, executive officer of the Nebraska Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 376th Aviation Regiment, at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center's Hohenfels Training Area, Hohenfels, Germany. Domeier is the first woman to serve as the command chief warrant officer of the Army Guard.

NY Guardsman prepares for Brazilian jungle warfare course
September 22, 2020
Senior Airman Caleb Lapinel of the 109th Airlift Wing will represent the New York National Guard and the United States at the Brazilian Army Center for Jungle Warfare instruction course in Manaus, Brazil, beginning Sept. 26, 2020.

Combat arms instructor keeps 176th Wing sharp
September 22, 2020
Alaska Air National Guard Tech. Sgt. Brian Sears, a combat arms training and maintenance instructor with 176th Security Forces Squadron, coaches Airmen of 176th SFS in M4 carbine marksmanship skills Aug. 27, 2020, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. CATM instructors are specially trained Security Forces Defenders who train others to ably employ small arms.