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Archive: 2020

COVID-19: Guam National Guard mother, son in this together
June 16, 2020
Lt. Col. Marlene Tarusan-Legaspi and her son, Pfc. Nikolas Legaspi, both with the Guam Army National Guard, find time during their COVID-19 missions to spend a moment together in Tamuning, Guam, June 8, 2020. Tarusan-Legaspi and her son were activated to support the government of Guam’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nurse joins Ohio National Guard amid COVID-19 pandemic
June 15, 2020
Capt. Brandi Purdy swore into the Air National Guard April 21, 2020, amid the global COVID-19 pandemic and the state of Ohio’s stay-at-home order. She is now a captain with the 121st Air Refueling Wing Medical Group.

Indiana Guard medics jump into action to help burn victim
June 12, 2020
Spc. Yoonho Lee, Cpl. Luisa Kolb and Cpl. Ethan Collins, combat medics with 215th Area Support Medical Company, 81st Troop Command from Franklin, Indiana, receives the Army Achievement Medal for administering aid to a chef at Second Helpings, a community kitchen in Indianapolis. All three medics felt their quick response was nothing extraordinary and credit one thing they all share — their military training.

Soldier self-isolates, extends enlistment to protect others
June 8, 2020
Sgt. Quintin Shine, a noncommissioned officer with Assembly Area Lions, is checking the water levels on one of the hand-washing stations that are set up for Soldiers. Shine is assisting many National Guard members stationed at hotels to keep them from infecting their families during the pandemic.

NY National Guard repairs World War I Soldier's grave marker
June 5, 2020
New York Army National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Headquarters Company of the 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry, work on May 26, 2020, to repair the headstone of Pvt. Laurence Uebelacker. Uebelacker was killed during World War I while storming the Hindenburg Line as part of the 108th Infantry.

Camp Umatilla helps make home for burrowing owls
June 4, 2020
When badgers stopped making tunnels used as nests by burrowing owls at Camp Umatilla, Oregon, in 2008, Don Gillis, the natural resource manager at the Umatilla Chemical Depot, stepped in to help. Twelve years later, the owls are thriving and sharing Camp Umatilla with the National Guard.

Kansas National Guard medic comes to child's aid
June 3, 2020
Spc. Kristyn Harding, combat medic, 1077th Ground Ambulance Company, Kansas Army National Guard, came to the rescue of a child having difficulty breathing at a COVID-19 drive-thru testing site in Dodge City May 19, 2020. She is shown at the site on May 23.

Father, son work together during pandemic
June 1, 2020
Sgt. Alec Sapienza, left, combat medic with the 108th Medical Area Support Company, 213th Regional Support Group, Pennsylvania National Guard, and his father Joseph Sapienza, director of maintenance/life safety for Pleasant Valley Manor nursing home in Stroudsburg, Pa., May 21, 2020. Alec and other members of the Pennsylvania National Guard are helping out at the nursing home.

Puerto Rico National Guard Airmen conduct virtual training
May 29, 2020
Screenshot of U.S. Airmen with the 156th Wing, Puerto Rico Air National Guard, participatomg in a virtual regularly scheduled drill for May 2020. The virtual RSD is a way for Airmen to maintain readiness while practicing safe social distancing and accomplishing military training requirements.

Massachusetts Air Guard SARC receives SARC of the Year Award
May 28, 2020
Jacquelyn E. Tellier, sexual assault prevention and response program manager of the 102d Intelligence Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard, was awarded the 2020 Liz Blanc Exceptional Sexual Assault Response Coordinator of the Year Award in May by the Department of Defense.