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Archive: June, 2020

Resilience is key for new psychological health director
June 30, 2020
Resilience is the focus of Rico Brown, the new director of psychological health for the South Carolina Air National Guard at McEntire Joint National Guard Base, June 24, 2020.

Guard Airman walks across Iowa for mental health awareness
June 29, 2020
Technical Sgt. Jeff Campbell a survival, evasion, resistance, escape specialist with the Iowa Air National Guard’s 185th Air Refueling Wing in Sioux City, Iowa, is walking across the state to raise awareness about mental health.

Journey to National Guard worth the wait for this specialist
June 26, 2020
Spc. Nicole Ridley, an aviation operations specialist with 96th Aviation Troop Command, talks with a volunteer at the Nourish Food Bank in Lakewood, Wash., June 24, 2020. Ridley is one of 1,100 Washington National Guard members supporting the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Immigrant Guard member helps community at home and abroad
June 25, 2020
U.S. Army Spc. Juan Herrera, 142nd Area Support Medical Company combat medic, at the Veterans Memorial Armed Forces Reserve Center in Danbury, Connecticut, June 24, 2020. In addition to providing care to COVID-19 patients and distributing medical equipment in his role as a Connecticut National Guardsman, Herrera has delivered food to local families in need during the pandemic. Herrera has also helped 30 families in Colombia, his home country.

Soldier restores a piece of Wyoming Guard history
June 22, 2020
Staff Sgt. Brian Parrish talks about restoring the M-7 Howitzer in front of the Regional Training Institute at Camp Guernsey, Wyo., June 8, 2020. Members of the Wyoming National Guard used to M-7 during the Korean War.

Guard member helps family friend, pregnant COVID-19 patient
June 22, 2020
Pfc. Dal Sum, an infantryman with Company C, 1st Battalion, 148th Infantry Regiment, is recognized by Col. Matthew Woodruff, commander of the 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and Joint Task Force 37, May 8, 2020, at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. Sum answered the call when nurses needed a Burmese translator who speaks Zomi to communicate with a pregnant COVID-19 patient.

Fathers, brothers-in-law heading to Sergeants Major Academy
June 20, 2020
Brothers-in-law and Master Sgts. Joseph Santiago, left, and Andrew Barcinas, of the Guam National Guard, prepare for the Sergeants Major Academy in Merizo, Guam on May 15.

Deployed officer sees newborn via smartphone
June 17, 2020
New York Army National Guard Maj. Michael C. Costello, a Guilderland, N.Y., resident deployed to the Middle East with the 42nd Infantry Division, missed the birth of his new daughter Siena Jude. But he was able to see her via smartphone video chat minutes after she was born.

COVID-19: Guam National Guard mother, son in this together
June 16, 2020
Lt. Col. Marlene Tarusan-Legaspi and her son, Pfc. Nikolas Legaspi, both with the Guam Army National Guard, find time during their COVID-19 missions to spend a moment together in Tamuning, Guam, June 8, 2020. Tarusan-Legaspi and her son were activated to support the government of Guam’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nurse joins Ohio National Guard amid COVID-19 pandemic
June 15, 2020
Capt. Brandi Purdy swore into the Air National Guard April 21, 2020, amid the global COVID-19 pandemic and the state of Ohio’s stay-at-home order. She is now a captain with the 121st Air Refueling Wing Medical Group.