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Archive: 2019

Gunnery simulators augment Army Guard training
June 19, 2019
Spc. Erik Murphy, a cavalry scout with the Virginia Army National Guard's Troop B, 2nd Squadron, 183rd Cavalry Regiment, engages targets with an M2 .50 caliber machine gun on the Individual Unstabalized Gunnery Trainer during training at the Suffolk Armory in Suffolk, Virginia, June 8, 2019. The IUGT is a computer-based simulator that connects the body of a weapon to a virtual reality system and is used to augment the training on crew-served weapons.

Idaho Guard works with SWAT team to boost marksmanship
June 17, 2019
Sgt. 1st Class Jared Frogley, the IDNG state marksmanship NCO in charge engages precision fire on targets with a bolt-action scope rifle as the Idaho National Guard marksmanship team participated for the first time in the urban and rural sniper training held in Melba by the Treasure Valley's SWAT sniper element. The Meridian Police Department sponsored the course and the SWAT team instructors volunteered their time and to produce the intense 50-hour, five-day course, held from June 3 through June 7, 2019.

Under pressure: Providing critical care when it matters most
June 14, 2019
U.S. Air Force Capt. Kaitlyn Newkirk, a clinical nurse assigned to the Ohio Air National Guard’s 180th Fighter Wing, poses for a portrait March 18, 2019, at Grant Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. As a clinical nurse, she draws blood, gives shots, and teaches self-aid and buddy care to all 180FW Airmen to ensure they have the skills to provide life-saving first aid during the often chaotic and high-stress situations they might face in deployed environments.

Resident opens heart and home to Oklahoma Guard members
June 11, 2019
Sand Springs, Oklahoma, resident Bob Casebold sits in his garage with Spc. Kailey Bellville, a unit supply specialist in Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 279th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Oklahoma Army National Guard, after she helped lay sandbags around trees at his Sand Springs home May 30, 2019.

New York Soldier is honored for his academic work
June 7, 2019
New York Army National Guard Major Keith Casserly with the atmospheric sampler he used to conduct a study of particulate air pollution along bus routes  in Albany, N.Y.  outside New York National Guard headquarters in Latham on May 15, 2019. Casserly conducted the study as part of his studfies toward a Masters in Public Health and was recognized by the State University of New York, Albany, with an award for Excellence in Scholarship.

Civil engineer Airmen learn disaster skills at Global Dragon
June 7, 2019
Civil engineer team members participate in a route clearing exercise simulating an after effect of a tornado during Exercise Global Dragon 2019 at the Guardian Centers of Georgia, held in Perry, Ga., May 29, 2019. Global Dragon is a biannual, Air National Guard led joint training exercise focusing on career fields across the Mission Support enterprise in as close to real-world conditions as possible.

Emergency Management Airmen suit up at Global Dragon 2019

June 7, 2019
Emergency Managers from around the country play in Level-A Olympics during Exercise Global Dragon 2019, in Perry, Georgia, May 31, 2019.  Global Dragon is a biannual, Air National Guard led joint training exercise focusing on career fields across the Mission Support enterprise in as close to real-world conditions as possible.

105th Airlift Wing Airmen conduct annual escape training
June 5, 2019
Airmen assigned to the 105th Airlift Wing participate in combat survival training at Plum Point County Park, New Windsor, New York, June 1, 2019. The training equips aircrews with the skill necessary to survive in hostile environments.

Kansas Army Guard medic serves his county and his country
June 3, 2019
Kansas Army National Guard Sgt. Kenneth Kester and Sgt. Christopher Rectenwald, 242nd Engineer Company, discusses the outer perimeter of the tactical assembly area June 1, 2019, at Fort Irwin, California. Rectenwald is assigned to the 242nd Engineer Company as a 68W combat medic.

Like father like sons, Idaho's Bundy brothers serve together
June 3, 2019
Idaho Army National Guard 2nd Lt. Zane Bundy and Sgt. Nathan Bundy pose for a selfie while training together at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California May 29, 2019. The brothers, from Mountain Home, Idaho, both serve in the 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team’s 2nd Battalion, 116th Cavalry Regiment.