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Tag: COVID-19

KC-135 boom operator supports Washington food banks
April 29, 2020
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. David Stefaniak, a boom operator with the Washington Air National Guard's 116th Air Refueling Squadron, sorts food at the Issaquah Food Bank April 15, 2020. Stefaniak is supporting multiple food banks in the Puget Sound area as part of the state's COVID-19 response.

Dogs ease stress for COVID-19 response troops in New York
April 29, 2020
Spc. Amber Freeman from Kingston, N.Y., assigned to the New York Army National Guard, poses for a picture and pets Sophie, a Labrador retriever service dog provided by Puppies Behind Bars in New York City, April 23, 2020. Puppies Behind Bars is a nonprofit organization that trains prison inmates to raise service dogs for wounded war veterans and first responders, as well as explosive-detection canines for law enforcement.

NY National Guard Soldier beats COVID-19 and joins the fight
April 28, 2020
Army Warrant Officer Christopher Gallant, assigned to Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 142nd Aviation, New York Army National Guard, tested positive for COVID-19 in March, recovered, and is working as the safety officer at the Javits New York Medical Station in New York April 21, 2020.

Michigan Guard finding new ways to recruit in COVID-19 era
April 27, 2020
Sgt. First Class Jason Brautigam, left, and Staff Sgt. Michael Perry, recruiting and retention noncommissioned officers, Michigan Army National Guard, conduct a question-and-answer session via the internet due to social distancing restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Dowagiac, Michigan, April 24, 2020.

Colorado Guard Soldiers save a life while serving homeless
April 27, 2020
U.S. Army Pvt. Harold Taylor and Spc. Jo England, communications operators, 1st Battalion 157th Infantry Regiment, Colorado Army National Guard serve food to the guests at the Denver Rescue Mission, April 20, 2020. The Soldiers helped a man who was choking on food.

NY Guard runs 'virtual' 5k for sexual assault awareness
April 25, 2020
New York Army National Guard Capt. Stephanie Fernandez, Warrant Officer Zachary Smith and Sgt. Jose Meza participate in the "virtual" 5K Sexual Assault Awareness Run held by the New York National Guard Joint Force Headquarters sexual assault response coordinator April 15 to April 20, 2020. Since social distancing prohibited the normal  group event, people were encouraged to run on their own or with a small group and send a photo.

188th Wing Nurse serves on front line to battle COVID-19
April 24, 2020
Capt. Breeanna Howerton is an Arkansas Air National Guard clinical nurse with the 188th Wing, but also a registered nurse at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks.

Once in the Guard, always ready to serve
April 22, 2020
U.S. Air Force Airmen from the 133rd Operation Support Squadron’s aircrew flight equipment shop, Minnesota National Guard, make masks for base personnel in St. Paul Apr. 8, 2020.

Mother, son serve at hospital as National Guard medics
April 22, 2020
Gen. Randall Simmons, commander, Georgia Army National Guard, recognized Spc. Leslie Davila, a medic with the 2nd Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment, 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, for her contributions to the fight against COVID-19 during a tour of the Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, Georgia, March 28, 2020. Davila and her son, also with the Guard, were both assigned as medics at the hospital.

Youth Challenge Academy cadets, staff mobilize for community
April 22, 2020
Michigan Youth Challenge Academy Cadets Jonathan Ciszczon and Jonathan Shapiro measure and cut fabric to make cloth masks to be donated to facilities in the Battle Creek community April 8, 2020.