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Tag: COVID-19

Kansas National Guard medic comes to child's aid
June 3, 2020
Spc. Kristyn Harding, combat medic, 1077th Ground Ambulance Company, Kansas Army National Guard, came to the rescue of a child having difficulty breathing at a COVID-19 drive-thru testing site in Dodge City May 19, 2020. She is shown at the site on May 23.

Father, son work together during pandemic
June 1, 2020
Sgt. Alec Sapienza, left, combat medic with the 108th Medical Area Support Company, 213th Regional Support Group, Pennsylvania National Guard, and his father Joseph Sapienza, director of maintenance/life safety for Pleasant Valley Manor nursing home in Stroudsburg, Pa., May 21, 2020. Alec and other members of the Pennsylvania National Guard are helping out at the nursing home.

Puerto Rico National Guard Airmen conduct virtual training
May 29, 2020
Screenshot of U.S. Airmen with the 156th Wing, Puerto Rico Air National Guard, participatomg in a virtual regularly scheduled drill for May 2020. The virtual RSD is a way for Airmen to maintain readiness while practicing safe social distancing and accomplishing military training requirements.

NY National Guard marks Memorial Day with special ceremony
May 23, 2020
Army Maj. Gen. Ray Shields, the Adjutant General for the New York National Guard, holds a Memorial Day weekend remembrance ceremony to honor fallen members of the New York Army and Air National Guard at the Joint Forces Headquarters in Latham, N.Y., May 22, 2020.

Cal Guard slows the spread of COVID-19 with telework
May 20, 2020
A California National Guard full-time technician works from home May 20, 2020, at Huntington Beach, California. Many Cal Guard full-time staff members are teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way of protecting themselves, their coworkers and high-risk family members from the virus.

WADS Airman sews 150 masks for Alabama hospital workers
May 19, 2020
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Rachel Yandon, a radio frequency transmission systems apprentice assigned to the 225th Support Squadron, Washington Air National Guard, wears a face mask like the ones she donated to mission essential personnel of the Western Air Defense Sector May 7, 2020.  Yandon also sewed and donated 150 masks to an Alabama hospital.

Cal National Guard welder sews face masks to combat COVID-19
May 14, 2020
U.S. Army Sgt. Edwin Rodriguez, a welder at the California National Guard's combined support maintenance shop, sews face masks for other Soldiers on a vintage sewing machine, April 23, 2020, inside the Long Beach, California, facility. Rodriguez found and repaired two of the shop's three vintage sewing machines before putting his civilian skills as a former upholstery technician to work sewing masks.

Cal Guard member's civilian skills get troops to missions
May 14, 2020
U.S. Army Spc. Koby Riggan, a radio technician with the California Army National Guard’s 270th Military Police Company, works on a Humvee, April 28, 2020, at the Cal Guard's Field Maintenance Shop 22, in Sacramento. The Cal Guard has been using these vehicles to support humanitarian missions throughout the state.

Maj. Tori Scearbo: NH Air National Guard's guardian angel
May 13, 2020
U.S. Air Fore Maj. Tori Scearbo, a 157th Medical Group, Det. 1 CERFP nurse, New Hampshire Air National Guard, at her civilian job as a critical care nurse at Portsmouth Hospital, April 26, 2020. Scearbo has been taking care of people with COVID-19.

Massachusetts Air Guard Mom on Mission
May 10, 2020
Mother and daughter hug sitting on the floor while mother puts boots on for work.