BIRMINGHAM, Ala., - The Alabama Army National Guard held a ceremony this weekend to showcase a new aircraft, the UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter, which replaces the Bell OH-58 Kiowa helicopter.
"This is a brand new aircraft the state has received," said Chief Warrant Officer 3 Gene Bussell, an instructor pilot with Detachment 1, Company C, 2nd Battalion, 151st Aviation Regiment. "We're going from something that was designed in the sixties to something that has been recently made."
The UH-72A holds two pilots and eight passengers, has a maximum load capacity of 3,253 pounds and has four composite rotor blades which decrease vibration while enhancing aerodynamic efficiency.
"We're fortunate to have something new since we usually get used equipment," said Sgt. 1st Class Kem Ketcham, the mechanic supervisor for the aviation regiment.
"It's a great aircraft that will increase mission capability immensely," said Bussell.
The aircraft is equipped with a hoist, useful for search and rescue missions, that can be used to pull victims out of flooded areas when occurrences such as Hurricane Katrina happen, added Bussell.
The mission for the aviation regiment is to provide support to military and civilian authorities in support of homeland security and to support the governor of Alabama and community based organizations.
Part of that mission is supporting local law enforcement agencies through the Alabama National Guard's counterdrug program.
Through this program, the new Lakotas will provide support ranging from photo support to marijuana eradication missions.
"It's going to be a challenge to transition from the old equipment to the new but we are very excited and looking forward to a bright future," said Ketcham.