CAMP JOSEPH T. ROBINSON, Ark. - The Arkansas Army National Guard received a mobilization order this week calling approximately 150 Soldiers from the 77th Aviation Brigade, based at Camp Robinson, to federal active duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Approximately 80 Soldiers with the brigade's Detachment 1, Company B, 449th Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Company will transition to their mobilization station at Fort Hood, Texas, in mid February in preparation for a one-year deployment in the Iraqi theatre of operations. Total mobilization time for the unit is anticipated to be nineteen months.
The brigade's 185th Aviation Assault Battalion will also head to Fort Hood in preparation for a yearlong deployment to Iraq. Over 70 Soldiers from the 185th's Bravo Company and Echo, Delta, and Headquarters Detachments will depart for their mobilization station in late March and early April.
"This is what our Soldiers have trained for their entire career," said Col. Joe Cooley, commander of the 77th. "They are obviously going to miss their families, but they are highly trained and ready to get out and do whatever they can to support the Global War on Terrorism."
The 449th, which makes the first steps forward for the brigade, is responsible for maintenance of UH-60 Blackhawks, CH-47 Chinooks and AH-64 Apache helicopters. The 185th's units will provide the theatre with troop carrying and insertion assets with its force of UH-60 Blackhawks.
"These Soldiers are trained to proficiency," said Cooley. "They are looking forward to the opportunity to fly in Iraq and do exactly what they were trained to do."
Currently, about 500 Soldiers and Airmen from the Arkansas National Guard are mobilized in support of the global war on terrorism. Since Sept. 11, 2001, the Arkansas National Guard has mobilized more than 6,000 of its 10,200 service members.