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Tag: Combat Medics

Texas Guard, Chilean Medics Train Together at Southern Fenix
September 3, 2024
Texas Army National Guard and Chilean army soldiers carry a litter off a U.S. UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter while conducting medical evacuation training during Southern Fenix 24 at Campo Militar Pozo Almonte, Chile, Aug. 29, 2024.

Army, Air Medics Train Together for Operation Guardian Angel
June 24, 2024
628th Aviation Support Battalion, 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania National Guard, conducted Operation Guardian Angel during annual training June 18, 2024. The 193rd Special Operations trained with the combat medics to stimulate a real-life scenario of medical emergencies.

Pennsylvania Guard Institute Educates Medics Across Army
March 9, 2023
U.S. Soldiers carry a simulated casualty to a field hospital during an exercise at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, March 3, 2023. This exercise included responding to the scene of a mass casualty event, providing first aid and evacuating the simulated casualties to a field hospital while being assessed by instructors with the Pennsylvania National Guard’s 4th Battalion, 166th Regiment Regional Training Institute (Medical Battalion Training Site).

Virginia National Guard Medics Tackle Sustainment Training
February 14, 2023
Virginia National Guard Soldiers conduct combat medic certification during refresher training Jan. 25, 2023, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. More than 30 VNG medics completed classroom and practical training, including two medical and two trauma scenarios.

Junior Washington Guard Medic Earns Expert Field Medic Badge
October 24, 2022
Spc. Raymond Alonso, a combat medic specialist with Charlie Company, 181st Brigade Support Battalion, shows off his Expert Field Medic Badge Oct. 20, 2022, at Camp Murray, Wash. Alonso joined approximately 150 other Army medics who completed the week-long test on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., Oct 11-15.

Idaho Army Guard conducts joint medevac, casualty training
May 26, 2022
Members of the Idaho Army National Guard’s Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st of the 148th Field Artillery Regiment, conduct air medical evacuation and casualty treatment with members of Detachment 1, Company Golf, 1st of the 168th General Support Aviation Battalion, at the Orchard Combat Training Center May 17, 2022.

Pennsylvania National Guard medics train as they fight
March 11, 2022
Combat medics with the Pennsylvania National Guard provide security while another renders tactical field care to a simulated casualty as part of the TC8-800 medic sustainment course March 2, 2022, at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. The course, which was held Feb. 17-Mar. 3, enabled the 17 participants to train with other medics outside their home units.

Virginia National Guard combat medics refresh skills
February 16, 2022
Virginia Army National Guard combat medics conduct refresher training Jan. 27, 2022, at the State Military Reservation in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Twenty-seven Soldiers participated in the training, conducted by the Virginia Army National Guard Medical Command.

New York Army Guard medics compete against the Army's best
February 3, 2022
U.S. Army Sgt. Ethan Hart and Staff Sgt. Dylan Delamarter, 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry, 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, New York Army National Guard, transport a simulated casualty during the Army's Best Medic Competition at Fort Hood, Texas, Jan. 27, 2022. Twenty-two two-Soldier teams from around the world competed in the finals to be named the Army’s Best Medic.

Indiana Guard medics jump into action to help burn victim
June 12, 2020
Spc. Yoonho Lee, Cpl. Luisa Kolb and Cpl. Ethan Collins, combat medics with 215th Area Support Medical Company, 81st Troop Command from Franklin, Indiana, receives the Army Achievement Medal for administering aid to a chef at Second Helpings, a community kitchen in Indianapolis. All three medics felt their quick response was nothing extraordinary and credit one thing they all share — their military training.

28th ECAB Soldier a nurse for COVID-19 patients
May 8, 2020
U.S. Army Spc. Kylee Pavlick, combat medic with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, Pennsylvania National Guard, stands in formation. Pavlick works full-time as a nurse at Geisinger Holy Spirit, a hospital near Harrisburg, and is caring for COVID-19 patients.