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Tag: Papua New Guinea

Air Force Major Serves as Vietnam Bilateral Affairs Officer
October 24, 2024
Oregon Air National Guard Maj. Angie Hayes, the bilateral affairs officer, U.S. Embassy Hanoi, speaks with a member of the Vietnamese delegation following the opening ceremony for the 2024 Disaster Management Engagement Activity at Hue University of Education in Hue, Vietnam June, 10, 2024. The Oregon National Guard and Vietnam have been partners since 2012 through the Department of Defense National Guard Bureau State Partnership Program.

Wisconsin Air Guard Trains with Papua New Guinea Partners
April 19, 2024
Wisconsin National Guard Airmen with the 128th Air Refueling Wing Security Forces Squadron and the 115th Fighter Wing Security Forces Squadron trained in Papua New Guinea March 17-22 with the Papua New Guinea Defence Force as part of the State Partnership Program. The Airmen trained PNGDF military police and other service members in crowd control, compliance techniques and physical and electronic security.

Wisconsin Guard Builds on Papua New Guinea Partnership
April 4, 2024
Senior noncommissioned officers with the Wisconsin National Guard were in Papua New Guinea March 17-22 collaborating with leaders in the Papua New Guinea Defence Force as part of the State Partnership Program.

148th Fighter Wing EOD Flight Hosts Validation Course
October 11, 2023
Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians from across the Air National Guard, Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Navy and Wisconsin National Guard state partners from Papua New Guinea conduct lodged projectile training at Camp Ripley Training Center, Minnesota, Sept. 21, 2023. The Advanced EOD Conventional Course provided experience, validation and confidence in using EOD tools and procedures.

Wisconsin Guard-Papua New Guinea Strengthen Partnership
September 5, 2023
Soldiers with the Wisconsin Army National Guard’s 1st Squadron, 105th Cavalry Regiment, trained with soldiers of the 1st and 2nd Royal Pacific Infantry Regiments, Papua New Guinea Defence Force, during Tamiok Strike 2023 at Taruma Barracks, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea beginning July 31. Tamiok Strike 23 is sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific, and hosted by the PNGDF with U.S. forces under the command of the 130th Engineer Brigade, 8th Theater Support Command.

Wisconsin Guard, Papua New Guinea Strengthen State Partnership
June 9, 2023
Tech. Sgt. Kailani Trainor-Bird, right, aerospace medical technician with Detachment 1 of the Wisconsin Air National Guard's 115th Medical Group, reviews Tactical Combat Casualty Care procedures with Warrant Officer Jerry Aihi and Maj. Louisa Wanma of the Papua New Guinea Defense Force June 6, 2023, at Truax Field in Madison, Wis. The training opportunity between the Wisconsin and Papua New Guinea medical professionals was part of the National Guard State Partnership Program,

Wisconsin National Guard, Papua New Guinea Strengthen Ties
April 3, 2023
First Sgt. Aaron Ritchie, right, 64th Troop Command’s senior supply sergeant and sustainment noncommissioned officer (NCO) representative, asks a Papua New Guinea Defence Force Soldier about serial numbers for supply items March 24, 2023, at Murray Barracks in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Six NCOs conducted an information exchange with Papua New Guinea Defence Force counterparts March 20-27 as part of the State Partnership Program.

Wisconsin, Papua New Guinea Sign State Partnership Agreement
December 13, 2022
Maj. Gen. Paul Knapp, Wisconsin’s adjutant general, and Maj. Gen. Mark Goina, chief of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, shake hands after signing a State Partnership Program agreement Dec. 2, 2022, in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

Wisconsin Guard Develops Partnership With Papua New Guinea
April 27, 2022
Wisconsin Army National Guard Spc. Samantha Struck demonstrates how to insert an IV during a medical class with the Papua New Guinea Defense Force at Taurama Barracks, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, in March 2022 through the Department of Defense National Guard State Partnership Program.

Papua New Guinea military leaders visit Wisconsin Guard
February 15, 2022
Military leaders from Papua New Guinea speak with Wisconsin National Guard leaders from the 115th Fighter Wing Feb. 5, 2022, in Madison, Wis., during a historic first visit to Wisconsin through the State Partnership Program. The program links individual states with armed forces of partner nations  to forge lasting cooperation, friendship and mutually beneficial relationships.

Wisconsin Guard, Papua New Guinea strengthen partnership
October 21, 2021
Maj. Gen Gilbert Toropo, the Papua New Guinea chief of defense, presents Maj. Gen. Paul Knapp, Wisconsin’s adjutant general, with a gift in September 2021 in Hawaii. Knapp visited Hawaii to meet with Toropo and attend a series of conferences in conjunction with the Wisconsin National Guard’s partnership with Papua New Guinea through the State Partnership Program.

Wisconsin Guard, Papua New Guinea hold virtual workshop
June 17, 2021
Lt. Col. Brion Aderman, Wisconsin National Guard director of domestic operations, talks about disaster response practices with members of the Papua New Guinea Defense Force May 26, 2021, during a virtual, three-day State Partnership Program workshop with Papua New Guinea in Witmer Hall at Joint Force Headquarters in Madison, Wis. The State Partnership Program links individual states with armed forces of partner nations around the world to forge mutually beneficial relationships.

WING lays foundation for partnership with Papua New Guinea
May 17, 2021
Capt. Christopher Meza, a Wisconsin Army National Guard officer, with senior leaders from the Papua New Guinea Defense Force. Meza spent nearly six months in Papua New Guinea where he represented the Wisconsin National Guard as part of its new State Partnership Program partnership with Papua New Guinea.

Wisconsin Guard enhances partnership with Papua New Guinea
March 29, 2021
Wisconsin National Guard State Partnership Program members and key Wisconsin National Guard leaders meet with gender equality leaders with the Papua New Guinea Defence Force for a virtual exchange March 24, 2021. The meeting was set up to assist the Papua New Guinea Defence Force with their Women, Peace and Security initiatives.

Wisconsin Guard, Papua New Guinea begin state partnership
July 20, 2020
Soldiers with the 2nd Battalion, 127th Infantry, 32nd Division, deplane at the Dubadura Airstrip south of Buna, New Guinea, Dec. 15, 1942.