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Archive: 2018

Soldiers spend the day playing with kids at Kuwait hospitals
July 25, 2018
Spc. Maigen DiCristofaro with Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 38th Sustainment Brigade, Indiana National Guard, joined Ahmad to create a colorful artwork on a CD at NBK children’s hospitals on July 10, 2018. Soldiers volunteered their day with the Kuwait Association for the Care of Children in Hospital (KACCH) play therapy day through Task Force Spartan’s participation in the Every Soldier an Ambassador program.

W. Va. Guard forges international relationships in Poland
July 16, 2018
Sgt. Zac Hartley, a horizontal construction engineer in the West Virginia Army National Guard, assigned to 812th Engineer Company, 1092nd Engineer Battalion, 111th Engineer Brigade based out of Eleanor, West Virginia, operates a front end loader to place gravel at Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area, Poland, during Resolute Castle, July 12, 2018.

Saving lives through Tactical Combat Casualty Care
July 13, 2018
Capt. Michelle L. Levesque, a Tactical Combat Casualty Care trainer from the 224th Area Support Medical Company, Maryland Army National Guard,currently assigned to HKIA’s Role 2 hospital, explains the importance of rechecking tourniquet placement after moving a casualty during TCCC training in Kabul, Afghanistan, Jun. 21, 2018. TCCC training is designed to provide first responders with battlefield lifesaving skills while deployed to Afghanistan.

Communication proves the key to relationships and training
July 10, 2018
U.S. Army Spc. Jeffery Evans and Pfc. John Collins, both assigned to Company B, 151st Expeditionary Signal Battalion, confirm message transmission on a high frequency radio via a field-expedient antenna created from internet cable and plastic spoons during an HF radio class taught by Staff Sgt. David Nelson, a signal support systems specialist assigned to 218th MEB in support of Resolute Castle 2018.

National Guard pilots support medevac mission in Germany
July 3, 2018
Nebraska and Iowa National Guard Soldiers assigned to 1st Squadron, 376th Aviation Battalion conduct a hoist and lift demonstration from their UH72-A Lakota June 21, 2018, at Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany. The units are part of a four-month rotational deployment to Germany where they will assume the real world MEDEVAC mission for Hohenfels and Grafenwoehr from their active duty unit counterparts.

N.Y. Army Guard Soldiers mentor and learn in Ukraine
June 22, 2018
Officers and senior enlisted Soldiers from the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team assigned to the Joint Multinational Training Group – Ukraine prepare for a battalion field training exercise at the Yavoriv Combat Training Center here Mar. 15, 2018. Currently more than 220 New York National Guard Soldiers are assigned to the CTC where they are mentoring Ukrainian Army Soldiers as they strive toward obtaining NATO interoperability.

Indiana National Guard Soldiers will lead Pacific Pathways
June 19, 2018
Soldiers with the 17th Field Artillery Brigade fire a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System at Yakima Training Center, Washington, Feb. 28, 2017. The brigade is expected to serve as the foundation of the Multi-Domain Task Force, which will lead its first Pacific Pathways rotation next year to test future warfare capabilities.

Alaska Army Guardsmen train in Mongolia to save lives
June 18, 2018
Alaska Army National Guard Spc. Dana Haddox and Spc. Jahmoi Hodge, both members of the platoon representing the 297th Regional Support Group, evacuate simulated casualty U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class John Bustamonte, III Marine Expeditionary Force, June 17, 2018, during Tactical Combat Casualty Care training at Five Hills Training Area, Mongolia, as part of Khaan Quest 2018.

A wash and dry keeps Soldiers' spirits high at Saber Strike
June 12, 2018
Pfc. Roffes Watson and Pfc. Renee Shaw stand next the the field showers at their forward operating base during Saber Strike 18, June 1, 2018. Pfc. Watson and Pfc. Shaw will be performing field shower and laundry support with the 464th Quartermaster Company during Saber Strike 18.

Kentucky Army Guard trains in Lithuania during Saber Strike
June 11, 2018
A Soldier assigned to 1st Battalion, 623rd Field Artillery Regiment, Kentucky Army National Guard, waits in his High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) for a fire mission  during the Saber Strike 18 exercise in Kazlu Ruda, Lithuania, on June 10, 2018. Crews of the Kentucky Army National Guard rehearsed no-notice dry-fire drills repeatedly to ensure mastery of their weapons system.