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Archive: October, 2018

Tenn. Guard speaks on working in a multinational environment
October 12, 2018
Multinational service members and local university students pose for a picture during the students visit to Yavoriv CTC Sim Centre, Oct. 10.

Indiana Guard members reflect on Pacific Pathways exercises
October 9, 2018
Soldiers with the Indiana Army National Guard's 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and their Indonesian counterparts from the Tentara Nasional Indonesia army kick off Garuda Shield 18 by conducting a "Yel-Yel," a cry-and-response war dance, July 29, 2018, in Indonesia. Garuda Shield 18 is the third exercise in U.S. Army Pacific's second iteration of Pacific Pathways, a series of multinational engagements with ally and partner militaries in the Indo-Pacific region.

Hispanic Soldier uses culture to assist Afghan counterparts
October 2, 2018
U.S. Army Capt. Vicente Garcia, far right, poses for a group photo with three district chiefs of police during an expeditionary advisory package at Zharay Province in Afghanistan, held on Aug. 8, 2018.

W. Va. National Guard trains with multi-national forces
October 1, 2018
Engineers from the 119th SAPPR Engineer Company, West Virginia National Guard conduct perimeter security during Saber Junction 18, a combat training exercise, in Hohenfels, Germany on Sept. 25, 2018.  The SAPPR company worked as an opposition force during the exercise alongside Bavarian and Ukrainian forces defending Ubungsdorf, a city in the Hohenfels training center.