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Tag: Tennessee National Guard

Wisconsin Army Guard Deploys More Than 300 Soldiers
September 30, 2024
More than 300 Wisconsin Army National Guard Soldiers board charter flights Sept. 28, 2024, at Volk Field Air National Guard Base, Camp Douglas, Wis., following a formal sendoff ceremony. The Soldiers, part of the 1st Battalion, 128th Infantry Regiment, the 1st Battalion, 120th Field Artillery Regiment, the 132nd Brigade Support Battalion and the 457th Chemical Company, are deploying to U.S. Central Command in Southwest Asia and U.S. Africa Command, Horn of Africa.

Army Guard’s 41st IBCT Prepares for NATO-led Mission
September 24, 2024
U.S. Army Capt. Joe Kaufman, 2nd Battalion, 162nd Infantry Regiment, Oregon Army National Guard, communicates radio commands during training at Fort Cavazos, Texas, Sept. 14, 2024. The Soldiers are preparing to support NATO-led Kosovo Forces, also known as KFOR, in a peacekeeping mission.

New York Army Guard Troops to Help Train Ukrainian Soldiers
July 18, 2022
New York Army National Guard Soldiers of the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, who are deploying to Germany as part of the Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine, stand at attention during a farewell ceremony at the Thompson Road Armory in Syracuse, New York, July 15, 2022. The New York Soldiers will relieve Florida Army National Guard Soldiers who are currently conducting the training mission.

Task Force Red Dragon Hosts D-Day Remembrance in Africa
June 7, 2022
U.S. Army National Guard Soldiers assigned to Task Force Red Dragon, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa, host a D-Day commemoration ceremony and ruck march June 6, 2022, at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, to remember the sacrifices of Allied forces during the storming of the Normandy beachhead in World War II.

Updated electronic warfare course resumes at Camp Buehring
July 26, 2021
Sgt. Ismael Pulido, electronic warfare NCO, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Anthony Meneely, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Douglas Montgomery discuss Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Warfare system training at Camp Buehring, Kuwait. Pulido, Meneely and Montgomery are the Task Force Phoenix Cyberspace Electromagnetic Activities cell.

National Guard support critical to U.S. European Command
July 22, 2021
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Justin Sachariason, left, a Soldier assigned to the Florida Army National Guard's 2nd Battalion, 124th Infantry Regiment, 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, instructs 1st Lt. Almir Sarac, a soldier with the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, how to shoot the M4A1 carbine rifle at Manjaca Training Area, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 19, 2021.

National Guard participates in multinational exercise
May 19, 2021
National Guard units from Alabama, Florida, West Virginia, Tennessee and Ohio are participating in Defender-Europe 21 and linked exercises to demonstrate and develop the extensive military capabilities NATO allies need to prevent conflict.