ARLINGTON, Va., - Slightly more than 1,200 National Guard members
from the four Southwest border states are in training or already deployed in
support of the border mission, a Guard official announced today.
"The National Guard is a flexible organization that provides constant forces
for overseas commitments and domestic support operations," said Jack
Harrison, the director of communications for the National Guard Bureau. "In
fact, the National Guard has fulfilled every request for forces to date."
The largest number of troops - 602 - is on orders in Arizona followed by
California with 274, Texas with 283 and New Mexico with 84.
"Overages are planned to accommodate the transition of personnel on and off
the mission, therefore troop numbers will flex slightly throughout the
deployment." Harrison said.
The majority of the Guardmembers will support the Customs and Border
Protection with entry identification teams and support Immigration and
Customs Enforcement with criminal investigative analysts for one year.
Additional troops from these states will serve in command and control or
support positions.
The mission is scheduled to end June 30, 2011.