DES MOINES, Iowa – During June drill, the 132d Operations Support Squadron Intelligence Airmen joined annual training for Soldiers with Charlie Company 2, 147th Air Assault Helicopter Battalion.
The 132d OSS Intelligence members provided mission planning support to the helicopter battalion's aircrews in Boone and joined their teams for an air assault training mission in surrounding areas.
The 132d OSS Intelligence members have supported the 147th AHB for eight years. The partnership began as pre-deployment support, including briefings and training in threats, current intelligence, survival, evasion, resistance and escape.
Over the years, the OSS Intel group has supported multiple Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk and Boeing CH-47 Chinook deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. This partnership has turned into continuous support and training during dwell periods.
The support from intelligence members June 10 provided a realistic training environment and enabled them to practice supporting mission sets outside of the 132d Wing.