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Robot Boosts Louisiana Guard Civil Support Team Readiness
December 4, 2024
Sgt. Nicolas Cullop, 62nd Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team, Louisiana National Guard, operates the Man Transportable Robotic System Increment II, an advanced unmanned ground vehicle equipped with specialized chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear equipment. The robotic system can gather information from potentially hazardous environments.

Weapons of Mass Destruction Exercise Tests Interoperability
July 18, 2024
U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Daniel F. Billingsley, communications chief, 33rd Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team, tests radio transmissions during a training exercise in Lihue, Hawaii, June 7, 2024. The exercise included military and civilian response partners to better integrate capabilities when disaster strikes.

Virginia’s Search and Extraction Team Proves Capabilities
July 16, 2024
Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen participate in a collective training exercise while conducting search and extraction procedures May 23, 2024, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia. The team's search and rescue element practiced skills to find and rescue survivors on a training site constructed by the VNG Soldiers and Airmen.

Hawaii Air Guard Trains on Urban Search and Rescue
July 8, 2024
Hawaii Air National Guard Airmen from the 154th Medical Group Detachment 1 and urban search and rescue teams from across the United States are briefed June 5, 2024, at Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Training Center in Livermore, Calif. The briefing, conducted during the FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Medical Specialist Course, covered critical strategies for effective disaster response and coordination.

Army Guard Elevates Disaster Response with UAS Training
April 18, 2024
A dozen Citizen-Soldiers from Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high-yield Explosive response teams recently completed a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers qualification course at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, on operating unmanned aviation systems, enabling the Army National Guard members to fly the R80D Skyraider, pictured here. The systems provide live digital video and employ onboard sensors to relay environmental conditions while mitigating the need to put Soldiers in harm’s way.

Army Lab Provides Upgraded Mobile Labs to National Guard
April 12, 2023
Lennox Brown and Shelby Bartram test the functionality of the equipment inside an Analytical Laboratory Systems Modified Work Order mobile laboratory at a DEVCOM CBC facility at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, before clearing the system for deployment.

10th Homeland Response Force Guardsmen Cover CBRN Basics
October 12, 2022
U.S. Army Soldiers with 153rd Medical Detachment (Blood Support), 56th Multifunctional Medical Battalion, 62nd Medical Brigade, don advanced chemical protective garments during an introductory course on chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear responder basics on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., Sept. 23, 2022. The two-day course was taught by decontamination subject matter experts with the Washington National Guard’s 10th Homeland Response Force.

Hawaii Airmen, Marines Practice Chemical Warfare Response
October 7, 2022
Master Sgt. Roderick Baker, 154th Operations Support Squadron F-22 Raptor aircrew flight equipment NCO, executes decontamination procedures Aug. 31, 2022, at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. More than 70 U.S. Airmen and Marines participated in a Pacific Air Forces chemical warfare and decontamination exercise called Toxic Pineapple.

Alaska Army Guard conducts multiagency CBRNE exercise
March 28, 2022
Alaska Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Jonathan Ramos, section team leader for the 103rd Civil Support Team, gives an exercise brief before down-range operations during Van Winkle 2022 in Juneau, Alaska, March 22. Van Winkle 2022 is a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive response exercise designed to enhance interoperability between state, federal and local first responders with complex training scenarios. Exercise participants included CST units from the Alaska National Guard, Montana National Guard, Connecticut National Guard, Mississippi National Guard and North Carolina National Guard.

Oregon Guard participates in emergency preparedness exercise
June 21, 2021
Guardsmen from the Oregon Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP) conduct mass casualty decontamination operations in an emergency preparedness exercise at Camp Rilea. It was part of an inspection conducted by the Joint Interagency Training and Education Center every two years to measure the team’s ability to respond to a disaster.

National Guard, partners to conduct ORCA 21 CBRNE exercise
May 14, 2021
Members of the Michigan National Guard’s 51st Civil Support Team run through decontamination procedures during Northern Exposure 21, March 16, 2021, at Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Northern Exposure 21 was integrated with another exercise known as Rising Waters 2021. This year's scenario was catastrophic flooding leading to chemical contamination, which was followed by a possible WMD situation.

92nd CST fires up Exercise Desert Torch in Vegas
April 22, 2021
Sgts. Chaz Rapp and Rjhun Rimon with the 92nd Civil Support Team, Nevada National Guard, search for hazardous materials in level-A fully encapsulated chemical entry suits during training scenarios for Exercise Desert Torch, April 20, 2021, in Las Vegas.

Wisconsin Guard's Civil Support Team among nation’s best
June 25, 2020
Lt. Col. Joseph Davison, left, and 1st Sgt. Kenneth Prieur, commander and first sergeant of the Wisconsin National Guard's 54th Civil Support Team, attach the 2020 Maj. Gen. William L. Sibert Award streamer to the unit's guidon during a June 23, 2020, virtual U.S. Army Chemical Corps ceremony. The U.S. Army Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) School annually presents the Sibert Award to the top CBRN units in the active component, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard.