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Tag: Fort Johnson

Oregon National Guard Hones Skills for Large-Scale Combat
September 3, 2024
Pfc. Braden Whitlock, an M249 SAW gunner with Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 186th Infantry Regiment, scans his sector of fire from a newly constructed fighting position during the Joint Readiness Training Center rotation 24-09 at Fort Johnson, La., July 28, 2024. The training exercise focused on large-scale combat operations as part of the 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team's Annual Training.

Oregon National Guard Trains for Peacekeeping Deployments
July 22, 2024
Lt. Col. Joshua Rapp, commander of Task Force Guardian, conducts an after-action review with his staff July 21, 2024, at Fort Johnson, La. The review follows Task Force Guardian's first night of engagement with opposition forces during the Joint Readiness Training Center rotation, preparing the 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team for upcoming overseas missions.

Red Arrow Transformed by Joint Readiness Training Exercise
July 3, 2024
The first few days in “the box” have wrapped up for troops at the Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Johnson, Louisiana, during which they completed blank and live fire training exercises that put their skills to the test while bringing Soldiers from across the United States and Canada together to work as cohesive teams.

Virginia Guard Begins Federal Duty Before Poland Deployment
January 31, 2024
Approximately 70 Soldiers assigned to the Virginia National Guard’s 529th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Headquarters, 329th Regional Support Group, begin federal active duty with a departure ceremony Jan. 28, 2024, in Virginia Beach. The troops will deploy to Poland and serve under the command of U.S. Army’s 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade to provide sustainment command and control and support to forward-stationed U.S. and allied forces in the region.

Oregon Army National Guard Tankers Train with Live Fire
August 3, 2023
A 3rd Battalion, 116th Cavalry Regiment M1A2 SEPv2 Abrams Tank crew fires their 120 mm main gun as part of the battalion's table VI qualification at Orchard Combat Training Center near Boise, Idaho, July 23, 2023.

29th IBCT Logistics: Winning the Fight Before the Fight
July 31, 2023
Soldiers from the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team conduct rail operations on tactical vehicles transported from Hawaii at Fort Johnson, Louisiana, July 10, 2023. Brigade combat teams and security force assistance brigades conduct simulated large-scale combat operations against near-peer threats at the Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Johnson to increase readiness and support globally deployable missions.

44th IBCT Builds ‘Generational Readiness’ in JRTC Rotation
June 20, 2023
Spc. Christopher Strawn, with G Company, 250th Brigade Support Battalion, New Jersey Army National Guard, participates in a rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Johnson, Louisiana. About 3,000 Soldiers from the 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team participated in the rotation May 29-June 11, 2023, with another 2,500 from Army Guard units in a dozen states and Puerto Rico.

Fort Johnson Renaming Ceremony Hits Home for Jersey Guard
June 15, 2023
New York Army National Guard Sgt. Henry Johnson, circa 1919. Johnson was part of the 369th Infantry Regiment Hellfighters from Harlem who fought under French command in WWI as an all-black combat unit. Johnson received the French Croix de Guerre for his actions defending his outpost and fellow Soldier Pvt. Needham Roberts May 15, 1918.

New Jersey Guard’s 44th IBCT Demonstrates Combat Readiness
June 15, 2023
Soldiers assigned to the 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, New Jersey Army National Guard, demonstrated their abilities during rotation 23-08 at the Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Johnson, Louisiana, May 28-June 11, 2023. Nearly 3,000 New Jersey Army National Guard Soldiers were assessed on their units' ability to conduct large-scale combat operations in a multi-domain setting against a near-peer opposing force.

Fort Polk to be Renamed for New York Guardsman Henry Johnson
May 18, 2023
Sgt. Henry Johnson wears his French Croix de Guerre as the 369th Infantry Regiment, formerly the 15th Infantry (Colored), New York National Guard, arrives back in New York City in 1919 after fighting in France in World War I.  Johnson was the first American Soldier to be awarded the French medal.