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Tag: Orchard Combat Training Center

Oregon Guard Sharpens Combat Skills Before Deployment
April 24, 2024
A fire team from the Oregon National Guard's 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team fires at targets while conducting a squad live-fire exercise at Orchard Combat Training Center in Idaho  April 19, 2024. The intensive range tested Soldiers' abilities to maneuver under simulated combat conditions with pop-up targets and live ammunition.

Iowa Soldiers Display Demolition Skills at Western Strike
June 22, 2022
Combat engineers with the Iowa National Guard’s 833rd Engineer Company out of Ottumwa, Iowa, watch an explosion from a safe distance on a demolition range at Orchard Combat Training Center near Boise, Idaho, June 10, 2022. The Soldiers traveled to Idaho to take part in an exportable combat training capabilities exercise, or XCTC, called Western Strike.

Idaho Guard opens high-tech range for comprehensive training
March 9, 2021
The Idaho National Guard opened the new Digital Air Ground Integrated Range at the Orchard Combat Training Center March 4, 2020. The range, the first DAGIR on a National Guard training site, allows air and ground units to train together while receiving accurate and real-time feedback.

Idaho National Guard leaders assist with rattlesnake study
July 9, 2020
Brig. Gen. Farin Schwartz, commander of the Idaho Army National Guard, and other Guard leaders held rattlesnakes and helped Idaho Guard Environmental Management Office biologists tag, study and measure rattlesnakes July 8, 2020, at the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area.